Hi, I'm a Dork [ November 24, 2003, 2:09 pm ]

I love my life.

I love the fact that I get to talk to hot boys all. the. time.

I love when I see a hot boy and he looks happy to see me.

But I hate that I've already broken the resolution that I made no more than 30 hours ago to stop taking about boys and get on with my life. Boo.

But I had a good happy happy happyyyy conversation with a really hot, really sweet boy before my fiction class.

Like, OMG!


I have officially morphed into a 12-year-old.

And it doesn't help that I'm listening to Hilary Duff's cd either.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Come Clean" by Hilary Duff--shut up! This is hella good cd! Yay for pop music!

Crush du Jour: Mmm...hot Mango-Block boy

Happy Thought of the Moment: D-town tomorrow (!!), pop music, hot boys, glittery snow, crossing stuff offa my to-do list, my new layout (Helloooo, Mr. Mayer!), figuring out that I actually have money for this weekend--whee!!!!!!

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