Hormones, Hotties...Happiness! [ April 20, 2003, 12:58 am ]

Aww I love the new Pepsi commercial with Beyonce'. For one, I think she's absolutely adorable. Two, the commercial's fun and colorful--anything with bright colors will automatically hook my undying attention. ("Are you easily distracted?" "Noo--aren't puppies cute?!?") Three, the Carmen opera song they use is so great, I love that song. Lala

Mmm.....shirtless Matthew McCaughnehey. What a glorious sight. God knew what he was doing when he made that man. Mmmhmm.

God, I've been a walking hormone lately. Gaah. Em and I went and saw Bulletproof Monk today. Yeah...Sean William Scott is HOTTTT. Told you I was a walking hormone. It's baaad. I just sat there for two hours and drooled at the screen. He was kicking some major ass in the movie. It was great. Surprisingly I ended up liking the movie. We went in strictly for the eye candy, but the plot was semi-decent, the end twist was so great and the action sequences were pretty amazing. I wanna learn kung-fu!! Gaah.

I feel like I haven't written in forever. I kind of haven't really. How sad. I used to update every day. Now--I'm lucky if I can update every 4 days. It sucks. I really don't feel connected when I can't update. Especially when stuff actually happens.

My mom and Katy came down for the day yesterday. Katy was car shopping. WHATEVER. Like she really needs a new car. Baah. That kind of pisses me off. People say I'm materialistic? Katy's ten times worse in certain ways. The princess always needs to have mounds of new clothes (helloooo senior portrait shopping) and she feels like she HAS to have a great car. Why I don't know. She's 18. If you have A car when you're 18 you're doing good. Whoever said you need to have a great car when you can barely vote needs to be ass-raped badly. Some people are completely disillusioned. Gaah.

Anyways...so I got to see my family yesterday. It was so nice. Mommy got me some Easter chocolate and some new socks. Happiness is truly having new socks. (How I go through socks so fast I don't know. It's kind of scary...) It's funny. I don't realize how much I miss my mom until I see her. Sadness. She looked stressed. She is planning Katy's grad party and helping with senior stuff at school, so I can see why. But her doctors keep telling her to AVOID stress. I really worry about her sometimes. I don't know how she's going to manage next year. Nobody but herself. And she's not going to have a lot to live off of either. Every time I think of it I get this wrenching feeling inside and I just want to sob for hours. I actually did the other night. I worry so much about her sometimes. I just want her to have a better life than she has. After all she's been through....

It's just so much to think about. It's really a depressing, touchy subject for me. I don't talk about it much. So if I do talk to you about it, please just be patient and understanding cuz I really am trying to sort this all this shit. Gaah.

I hate thinking about it. I have to not worry. I have to trust that God loves and provides. He's gotten us this far, I know He won't abandon this amazing woman now. It's just hard.


I'm so random right now. I'm just a ball of emotions.

It was really good to see my mom though. She says she needs to talk. Hmm...I'm afraid. I'm sure it's not too too bad. All will be well.

She hates my nose ring. Too bad. I love it. It's now a part of me. I got pix back today--the first with my nose ring. I do look pretty good with it. Everyone said I would--they were right. Hurrah. At least it's not a RING. It's a cute stud. It's now a part of me. Lala. I just hope it doesn't prevent me from getting a job...


So last night Sierra, Andy and I went to the Alkaline Trio concert. I really had no idea who they were, but I'd heard of them and the ticket was only a dollar so I figured I had nothing to lose. WRONG. It's FOUR HOURS of my life I'm NEVER getting back. I'm sooo not impressed. I wasn't impressed with the punk wannabes. I wasn't impressed with the shitty opening bands. I was sooo not impressed with how the concert was handled.

Lemme tell YOU what First Aid did wrong:

A: doors were SUPPOSED to open at 6:30, show was SUPPOSED to start at 7. Doors opened at 7, show didn't start until 7:30 at least.

B: Crowd of 1000 = big big mess.

C: Security was some shady business. They were patting people down. I don't think they're allowed to do that. I think you have to be professional to do that. NAE doesn't do that. And the girls were being bitches. They wouldn't let me bring my zip-up hoodie in--that I WAS WEARING. I had to go and hang it up then wait some more to enter the venue. And THEN they patted me down AGAIN. Yeah, cuz I must LOOK like some sort of shady punk who'll cause a riot with knives and shit. Grrr.

D: The opener all SUCKED. With the exception of the Minor League, the openers were complete shit. They had three, count 'em--THREE--opening bands. With the main band allegedly supposed to start before 8.

Wanna know when the main band started? TEN FUCKING O'CLOCK. I was sooo not impressed. They started three hours late.

E: Security was a joke. When we got to the UC we were greeted by some bitch who informed us that "security would be tight." Yeah right. Security was non-existant. The crowds were moshing and injuring people and security did NOTHING. For all I could see, security was there to wear the cool shirts and make sure people knew where to enter and exit. That's it.

F: Moshy-ness sucks. Not cool not cool not cool. I find it to be barbaric and disgusting when sweaty nasty guys decided to run around and run into each other. And injure each other. And injure innocent people trying to enjoy the concert.

Innocent people like ME. Some random drunken idiot was running around, chortling a battle cry and he totally plowed into me. Or my boob actually. It hurt really bad. My left boob is now bruised.


So yeah, I was soo not impressed with the concert last night. It's hours of my life I'm NEVER getting back. Really. The best part of last night was hanging out at Pizza Hut with SiSi and Andy afterwards. How sad is that? At least the pizza was really good. Hehe

I seem to be wasting a lot of my time lately. Thursday night I went with AG clique-ers to see Jesus Christ SuperStar. I thought it'd be good, it's a rock opera, I love musicals and rock operas, so I thought I'd like this.

Umm...not so much. It's from the 70s. That's it's first problem. And the costume department was non-existant. Why was Jesus the only one that was wearing a toga? Shouldn't all of them be dressed like they were in the biblical days? It was just wierd. I wasn't impressed. I left it going "that sucked, dude." Gaah. That's two hours of my life I'm NEVER getting back.

Hmm...I think I'm gonna go to bed. I have a meeting tomorrow morning. A meeting on Easter Sunday morning. So goes the life of a college student. Baah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "True Life" on MTV and drunken people slamming doors

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott, Alan Cumming

Happy Thought of the Moment: SNL, Jimmy Fallon, action movies, hot guys, hottie band members, hanging out with Megan, seeing my mommy, hair dye, Krissy Kash, good novels, cute pix, Leadership Banquet pix, Easter baskets, being appreciated, talking to friends, anticipation of summer, good mixes, movie popcorn, pop up ad blockers, HillTop cinnamon rolls, driving fast, spring weather, hoodies, cleeean room, 11 solid hours of sleep

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