Heee-hehehehe-heh [ November 11, 2002, 11:43 pm ]

So Em and I are chilling in my room, watching Comedy Central. Suddenly an ad comes on. My brain isn't functioning quite on high gear right now, but as soon as Em saw like a nano-second she went beserk.

(Here's where I attempt to re-create the sound she made.)


Yeah....it was quite amusing.

FYI: It was a Harry Potter ad. If that explains anything.

Hahaha! I'm "fresh meat." That's what Marky-Mark just said. He just popped in. Happy surprise--happy surprise.

Plus SNL is on Comedy Central. Happiness reigns supreme here. :D

Today's been fun. I...uhh--I played hooky. I probably shouldn't say that since I'm the AP and should promote academics, but still! Mom said I could! We went to Applebees. Yummm. I love their patty melts. And we went shopping too. I gots a couple of sweaters. Yeah--I dont get them until Christmas. Something to look forward to! Sweeet!

The one Mom let me keep though--it's hottt! It's black and scoopy-necked, but not too lowcut so my (lack-of) boobs aren't really showing. Yay. But the cutest thing is that the long sleeves are lace-up all the way. Soooo cute. Very me. Hehehehe.


I'm thinking I gotta jet. Mine and Em's adventure for the night: we're going to Wally World to get Star Wars Episode II on DVD for her. I could seriously care less, but I enjoy adventures. Hehehe

I realized that I go to WalMart waaay too much. This will be like the 3rd time in 3 days. How sad is that? And I've only gone there after midnight all 3 times.

I am such a college girl.

But I got food and a cute little plant out of the deals the last couple of times.

I am kind of afraid to see what I'll leave with this time....

Yeah--so we're taking off now.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: some funny commercial on CC

Crush du Jour:Ben Affleck, Jimmy Fallon, Sex God

Happy Thought of the Moment:priceless moments with Em, late night pizza, spending time with the family, new ink cartridges, not having to BUY the new ink cartridges, this SLFP presentation almost being over, caffeine and lots of it, late night WalMart runs, SNL, soft toilet paper, quality time with staff, cute cute sweaters, hilarious children's books, smoothies, Dr. Pepper, hot chocolate, hunting for people throughout the hall, unexpected cards from friends (happiness supreme), Proud Family marathon, Ewan McGregor, playing hookie, almost no homework, fuzzy pillows, naps

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