Contemplation [ November 04, 2002, 9:40 pm ]

So I'm chilling in the library right now, debating whether I should go to this rehearsal or not.....

Really I should. I should. Because I said I would. But I'll feel like such a DORK if I'm the only one from NAE there. Yeah...I won't feel like an outsider or anything at all.

God I'm such a wuss.

I should go. Really.

My decision would be helped greatly if Clayton would email me back about if he's going or not. But I can't really blame him--I emailed him, what, 3 hours ago? Yeah....

That may explain some things.


I really should go. For the sake of NAE. For the sake of my committee.

For the sake of...hehehehe

I should go. AHHHH

This sucks sooo badly.

I'm so chicken. I just don't want to be the only NAE member there. And I have this feeling that I would be the only NAE member there. Grr grr grr

It'd be fun...I would laugh. I know I would.

But I have homework too though.

Shit, I just remembered that I gotta read this case for PR tomorrow. OH shit, I gotta read like 3 cases for tomorrow. One for an assignment and 2 for discussion.

Plus I have to finish up this stupid self-analysis thingy for SLFP.

God this suuuuucks. (I've been saying that a lot lately. Hmm)

What to do, what to do.......

Hmm hmm hmm

What I should do is focus on schoolwork because I am in college to learn, correct?


So classes should come first. Yes yes

I have been slacking a bit lately. Well for the entire semester. THat's what happens when you get a job that consumes much of your time.

Not that I'm complaining cuz I really do love my job. It rocks.

It has nothing to do with being an AP right now.

I'm getting off the subject....

So yeah, I should go back to my room, finish up this project--I'm nearly done!!! And then skim through the cases for PR tomorrow.

Plus if I go back I can make hot chocolate with yummy warm milk. Or I could make a nice warm steamer.

I think going back is winning over staying to WATCH--not even participate but WATCH--a rehearsal.

A rehearsal that'd be lots of fun, I know, but still it's not as important as doing stuff for my major.

Yeah, so I'm gonna head back. Brr--down the cold cold windy hill. Ugh.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the silence of the library--whooooo. I should scream. hehehe

Crush du Jour:Oh you have NO idea how bad I'm crushin' right now. Just ask the staff. They all know. I'm beyond giddy over somebody. And I don't really know if it's a good thing or not.

Happy Thought of the Moment:fuzzy warm sweaters, Chrismas in November (not really, but it seemed like it a lot in the staff meeting tonight), figuring out some schtuff that I didn't realize was really schtuff to be figured out (got that--it IS a good thing), random hotties that are currently wandering the library, getting this group project together, good interviews, the thought of hot chocolate when I get home, twinkly lights, the holiday spirit, happy IM's, this stressful day being nearly done (!!), fabulous friends, my warrrm peacoat, lookin' cute, fun eyeshadow, lotsa sleep (hopefully the plan for tonight...)

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