Another way to spend my day... [ June 07, 2004, 10:17 am ]

Rawr. I hate the office's "technology." First off, the stupid new system isn't up yet so when I have projects I have to stare at the direct-from-the-80s green-and-black screens. I don't even know what I'm looking at 87% of the time. Charming. Then the stupid scanner...yeah, it'll only scan 60 pages at a time. I don't know why, but it's being retahded. And I don't like it. It's sure as fuck making this 500-page batch I have to scan a hell of a lot harder to, um, do.

Happy Monday.

And somehow I got a stain on my favorite shirt this morning too. I don't know how. I thought it was a water stain until I looked down and saw it there an hour later. Grr-ness squared. I'll be praying to the mighty stain-stick to get this out. I hate stains on clothes. They bug me. And this is a problem since I'm generally not the cleanest eater to ever walk the planet. It was worse when I was in elementary school--just ask Em--but I still drop food on my shift all the damn time. I shall never be able to eat in fancy restaurants. *sob*

Aaaand PMS is coming. I know this because five new zits packed up and decided to occupy my face. Again--charming. Fair warning to all. Maybe it'll be better this month though, since I've given up soda and fast food. Both goals, fyi, which are going rather well. I cannot remember my last french fry and I have only broke down once or twice in the past week to drink pop. I'm so proud of me.

Speaking of rude rude rude neighbor from across the hall is moving. Three cheers there. Except that he must have been moving late last night or something because he completely SLAMMED his door at 2 am. And woke me up. Then he was stomping up and down the stairs like a three-year-old before 6:30 this morning. I'd rip his head off, but he's moving, so there's really no point.

Um, I really think I broke the scanner. It's not responding, it just keeps popping up with errors. Oh god...

I'm being a bitch this morning. I could blame on the PMS. Really, it hasn't been as bad as I'm making it sound. I got ready in under ten minutes today, which impresses the fuck out of me. And I look semi-cute, which is even better. And I made breakfast (not just toast or toaster strudels) too. It was uber-yummy. I love making breakfast. Pardon the cheesiness, but I feel like I really care about myself when I do it. Which is why I know how to actually cook breakfast foods so well. It's like giving my soul a hug when I make eggs or french toast. Yeah. I'll stop being cheesy now.

Oh, snap, I didn't break the scanner. The huge batch is done. Which means I get to spend the remainder of my shift indexing. (Remember this, Juliaaa?) I was going to talk about my weekend and how I think I'm really turning into a sarcastic, snarky, materialistic bitch, but that'll have to be another entry.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Red-Blooded Woman" by Kylie Minogue

Crush du Jour: Paul Rudd

Happy Thought of the Moment: scrapbooking, "happy juice" (translation: cheap, sweet wine), a fully freezer of yummy food, a clean fridge, fresh-smelling laundry, cut grass smell, cold water, the view from the office in coho, no desk shift today, new Road Rules season starting tonight, breakfast, good hair days, cute shoes, fun pedicures

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