Princesses SUCK [ April 27, 2002, 1:06 am ]

Dork dork DORK!!! So it's my room and I've been overruled. All I wanted to watch was "On the Line" or "Rat Race." Or even "Zoolander" which I've seen a million and a half times, but is still quite amusing. But nooooo....what am I watching? "Anastasia." An animated movie on a Friday night. Yes, folks, we are in college. And it's all Christy's fault! She's the princess (Princess Pickles) after all. So she has to get her way. Brahahahahaa! Riiiiight. Lol--just kidding hon! Love ya! I just think it's funny that it's my room, my tv and all and we're watching a movie that I'm notsovery into right now. It's such a good movie, I am just not in the mood. By the way: it's me, Christy, Megan, and Hannah. The crew, the girls. =) The girls who have backstabbed me for some hot animated guy. (OK, so John Cusack voices Dimitri and that is hot, but still. I'm trying to be mad here.) Awww--Christy just called me cute. I can't be mad at that.

Nothing extraordinary has happened today. I began to pack. I HATE packing. It means saying goodbye, which I completely and utterly loathe. It marks an ending and endings usually suck. Sure it's just for the summer but still. I hate goodbyes. I cry a lot. And I know that next year will be different no matter how hard we try because of the circumstances. It'll be interesting, though, I guess.

I suppose I should go and watch this movie that I'm being subjected to. Grrr...ok not really since I enjoy this movie greatly. Ciao, dahling!


PS--wouldn't it be fabulous to find out that you were a princess? I would LOVE that soooo much. Live in a palace, wear gorgeous gowns, get spoiled rotten, date hot princes and suitors....Yes I could totally go for that.

PPS--yeah, guys suck. More later.

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