Fabu Day...And a Vent [ June 26, 2002, 12:52 am ]

Today's recap: I worked for only 4 hours (Yay for short shifts!), my cute cute cute new glasses came in (did I mention they're way cute?), I am finally getting my Hawaiin pearl set into a stunning white gold ring, it thunderstormed (YAY YAY YAY!), Will Smith's new cd came out and I got it, AND I saw "Lilo and Stitch" again and loved it even more than the first time. So yes--it's been a fabulous day. FABULOUS DAY.

Rant of the Day:

But of course something has to go and rain on it. Just a little black poof of a cloud, but still. I'm totally pissed off about it. Maybe not so much about it, as about the fact that it made me so pissed and put me in a bad mood for about 15 minutes.

So Houghton finally got with it and got a Planned Parenthood. And with those always comes controversy. Especially here--in Bunner Community USA. We have a lot of really strictly religious people around here, and also a lot of people that refuse to see both sides of the story, refuse to bring themselves into the 21st Century, refuse to open their minds, and refuse to not live in a dream world. These are the kinds of people that I really do not stand. I hate to be negative, but closed-minded people just suck. I don't understand why some people just can't listen to both sides of a situation.

So these kinds of people that I loathe were picketing today. And not by the Planned Parenthood site in downtown, but by the brige, a high traffic area (which is actually a good spot--I'll give them credit for that). They were picketing against PP (obviously) about it being "a problem, not a solution," and about it killing babies and being Nazi-istic and being traitors to society cuz they support abortion. It was just SICK SICK SICK. I nearly gagged when I saw them. Their signs--they're horrible! Absolutely disgusting. And I know that's what they're going for, so it's a good tactic. But I really hate it. I really do. (You know the signs--with the bloody, dead fetuses and such.) I wanted to run them over. (I gave them the finger--I'm such a renegade.)

These people--AHH!--they absolutely disgust and revolt me. We are NOT living in the 1600s,people ARE having sex, PP is not a Nazi organization against humanity and all things good, it IS a good, great, fabulous solution for the masses. GRRRRR!!! Women need to have a right to choose. They need to know that there are options.

What do these picketers want? For people to not have sex? Not gonna happen. Do they think that this is the 1600s and people are actually just gonna not fuck? Yeah...right. right. I'm sure if it were up to the picketers every girl would have a chastity belt. These people need to open their eyes and accept the world today. That's all I'm saying. That and the fact that women have the right to choose. An abortion is a much more acceptable choice then the mother either dying, having health complications, or ending up with a child she did not want in the first place and can't support.

K, so I think I'm done venting. I just totally needed to get that out. It made me so pissed off.

Aight, I think I should get some sleep.

Shout-outs of the night: Hannah!!! Props to you for joining the Navy. We gotta celebrate that! Em--I'll call you tonight (Wednesday) since my celly wasn't performing so stellarly when I called you ealier. =/

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: Silence in the living room but I have a song from Incubus' "Morning View" in my head....

Crush Du Jour: Stitch--so he's a cartoon alien, but he's so damn cute! *grin*

Happy Thought of the Moment: These soft jammies my mommy gave me and virtual Stitch from Disney.com--too too cute!

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