My first entry...the excitement [ April 07,2002, 6:06 p.m. ]

Welcome to my online journal! I'm really psyched to have an outlet to vent and be as emotional, sassy, retarded or bitchy as I like.

Since some of you may not know who I am, here's a "cast", who I'll probably be referring to from time to time.


Likes:dancing, thunderstorms, napping, SNL, my fabulous friends, MTV, Disney Channel, coffeehouses, Moulin Rouge, my car Rexy, candles, my (former)AP job, cd mixes, Stitch, sleeping in, John Mayer, the colour orange, Jimmy Fallon,having fun, staying up late, hanging out, fall, cute and funny guys, perfume, this diary thang, being hyper, Harry Potter, good novels, writing , being girly, thinking (sometimes), shiny objects, hair gunk, hoodies, fuzzy sweaters,people who don't take themselves too seriously, snow days, karaoke, being at the beach, Alan Cumming

Un-Likes: closed-minded people, Michigan Tech, winter driving, people with no sense of humor, mean people, being sick, being stressed, being told what to do (I'm quite stubborn), snobby people, country music,

Mom: Durrh--my mom. She's raised me by herself and she's my hero. She's also quite comical and amusing. Expect lots of venting and gushing about her.

Katy: my little sister. My only sibling. We get along...I think. Frustrations may sometimes run high, but all-in-all, I lover her.

Emily: my best friend since the 7th grade. We're at Northern together and we have lots of adventures together. We just get each other--we're on the same wavelength. We tight. She's like a more anti-social and not-quite-so-spastic version of me.

Chrissy: my former boss who enterred my life during the beginning of my junior year at NMU. She inspires me daily. We clicked immediately and she's been a close friend for the past couple of years.

Christy:one of my first friends on-campus. Just as hyper and fun as me. Love her to bits. Refers to herself as "Princess Pickles." Recently engaged, I'm standing in her wedding in July. Woo!

Hannah: a dear friend that I met freshman year. She can be profound at times, but more often than not, she's just hella funny. Recently, she's gotten married and is stationed in Italy for the Navy. I don't see her much anymore, and I'm sad that this friendship has disintigrated because of her move, but she seems happy, so I'm happy for her.

Sierra:she just rocks. A tight friend since freshman year. She's been through a lot of stuff. We understand each other. Can be quiet, but always knows how to be happy and have fun.

Brett: another one of my first friends at Northern. He's snarky, sarcastic, cynical and one of the funniest, most endearing people in the history of ever. He endured my over-hyperness/spasticness during our road trips last summer. Now that's friendship.

Joe: my dearest gay friend. Quite over-the-top and flamboyant, but ohsoverymuch fun. Where there's Joe, there's chaos. Believe me.

Ryan: a fabulous friend that I met through Joe. He's another one where we just clicked immediately. On some level we believe we're soulmates. Too bad he's a member of the rainbow family.

Bob: one of the first friends I made at NMU. He can be offsetting and upsetting, but ultimately he's there when I need him. He recently graduated and our friendship has deteriorated, but he was still a part of my college life and I think I still have a small soft-spot for his long as it's not directed at me.

Amanda: a great great friend. Makes me want to be a better person--funny, sassy, sweet. Great adventures follow us for sure.

Nick: Sweet, soft-spoken, and understanding, he's the greatest friend a girl can ask for. He's mentioned most in early entries and has since moved to Canada, but I still love him and miss him and every once in a while he comes back into my life somehow.

Sex God: the guy I used to think was the hottest thing on this campus. My friends didn't agree, but I was young and naive. I've since gotten over him, but I had a crush on him for nearly a year.

Hot R.A.: so he's hot, hence his name. And he's an RA and I worked with him and I have just a little bit a crush on him. I don't expect anything to come of it because he's a bit of a man-ho and he's more than a little cocky. But damn--he's hot. Fwaaah.

NAE: Northern Arts and Entertainment--not a person, but a group that I've been commited to since freshman year at NMU. We bring all the large entertainment to campus. While it's stressful and sometimes frustrating to be a part of it, I adore the chaos of event-day and all of the people in the group.

Ok, so this is my first online journal entry. I have no idea where I'm going to go with this thing, or what I'm going to say or write, so if it's lame, whatever. It's just gonna be what I'm feeling at the moment. And updates may be sporadic, since sometimes I can be at my computer for hours, then other times I'm at it to check my email and that's it. So who knows, what going to happen with this thing...or if people are even going to read this. I hope people do, otherwise there's no point to this. To anybody who does stop by, THANK YOU! Keep coming back--I'll try to be interesting. That's all for now. Ciao, dahling!


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