Weekend Update--Whew, I'm Spent [ October 14, 2002, 2:24 am ]

Oooh man. I should be in bed. It's been a loooooooong weekend. Let me illuminate:

Friday--Joy's wedding. It was so beautiful. It was really small and intimate, just the friends and family. I really felt privaledged to be a part of it. Joy looked beautiful. As cliche as this sounds, I almost cried when I saw her--she was beaming and just had this glow about her. I've never seen her happier. (FYI: her dress was really pretty--empire waisted with elbow length sleeves and gauzy material flowing around the rest of her arms. Very simple, elegant, beautiful, very her.) The ceremony was short and so sweet--Joy rushed the declaration and Wes rushed the vows a bit. It was adorable. I always love to see two people in love--to me it's the most magical thing in the world. And the most beautiful thing too. I just hope that someday I can find that one true soulmate.

Saturday was chaos exemplified. I finally finally FINALLY got to hang out with Sierra. I consider her to be one of my closest, dearest friends, and it was slightly aggravating this semester because we're sooo freakin' busy. So the fact that I got to chill with her was soooooo delicious. We had a great heart-to-heart, then shopped (in true Sierra-style) at Target. She's so fun to shop with! We found me the cutest peacoat for this winter. It's knee-length and charcoal grey, which is JUST what I wanted. And it was only $40, so I was psyched. Mom doesn't know that she's actually "buying" it for me for Christmas....yeah, she'll find out soon enough. Hehehe. The jacket currently resides in my closet.

After the little girly-afternoon, I had a "date" with Nick (one of my dear gay boys). He is just too fun. He was another elusive friend that I had to track down--the boy never stops, I tell ya! We went to a Chinese buffet for a late dinner, then danced the night away at the Crash concert.

Crash is a Dave Matthews cover band. They sounded amazingly alike Dave. I was quite astounded. I enjoyed the concert immensely. I got to get my groove on quite a bit, so that makes me eternally happy.

Yeah...after the concert I had planned on curling up, and drooling over Jimmy Fallon, but I ended up going to Applebees with Primetime, the band, and a lot of my friends (I know most of the people in Primetime, which I just found out last night--sweeeeeeet). It was great. I got to socialize with people I don't get to see a lot of, and just be silly and loud and cause chaos. It rocked.

Here's a little story for y'all to enjoy...Once upon a time, Krissy was at Applebees with a bunch of fun people, her boss-lady included. Boss-lady points out hottie waiter and says he'd be a good prospect for her. So Krissy and friend Marcy proceed to write boss-lady's number on not one receit, but TWO, just to really drive the point home. Boss is humiliated and embarassed beyond belief. Krissy and Marcy find it to be quite entertaining and humorous. They hope it's a match made in heaven. They hope he calls her. Krissy feels that the little notes are not enough, so as the group is on it's way out, Krissy points out boss-lady and hollers for hottie waiter to call her cuz she thinks he's hot. (He really was hot, too.) Did he call? Noone knows for sure...yet.


I'm so glad I can't lose my job over something retarded like that, cuz if I could.....yeah, I wouldn't be an AP anymore. And how the hell would I explain THAT in my resume and job interviews? hehehehe

Today was catch-up day for me. I hauled ass for HAC...only to find that most of the members either forgot about the meeting or hadn't returned home yet. Grr. It's all good, I just have to email them. I just don't want to fall behind in the raffle (even though it's in 2 months...) or in my duties as AP.

And I went and saw Dad. Whee. I vented about that last entry. Look there to see most of my thoughts. I just don't know. I'm trying to accept the whole thing. I've accepted it pretty much. I'm not quite there yet, I am still kind of dealing with the whole divorce thing. How could I not be though? I mean, it's one of those things that really does affect your whole life. I guess if I wanted to I could blame it on psychological problems...but I don't have any--unless you count my dorkiness. I could blame the divorce on guy problems or lack of guys or whatever. But I'm not going to, because I find that to be really immature.

I guess my stance on the divorce is that I don't understand WHY exactly he left us alone, why he hurt my mom so bad (which is what I really can't forgive him for), but I really CAN'T be pissed because of it, because my life would be completely different if my 'rents hadn't divorced. I wouldn't be who I am today, I wouldn't be where I am today, living the life I'm living, and I really can't be mad about that, because I ADORE my life, I love it, I don't have any complaints (except the occassional "guys are poopy" one...), life is good. And I realize that life would be different, Iwould be really different if the divorce hadn't occurred.

So really I should thank Dad for that: for giving me the gift of respect and unconditional love for my mom, for forcing me to really be the person I am today (which I don't think is too shabby at all--*MWAH*), for my now-fabulous life, for all my great friends, for EVERYTHING I have now.

Wow...it's really mind-blowing when you begin to think of it.

Yeah...I didn't think I'd be thinking so much tonight. My brain hurts now. Hehe. I'm gonna call it a night. It's been an exhaustingly fun and fabulous weekend, but now I need to recuperate so I don't have that dreaded "weekend hangover." (Which I seem to get a lot...huh.)

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Lately" by Divine--a beautiful song

Crush du Jour:the abdominal GOD in my DKNY underwear ad (mmmm--girls, you really have to see this ad, for it's gorgeous)

Happy Though du Jour: my wall of happiness (it went up last night and looks EXACTLY how I wanted it to look--yay for me!), cute ads, the hottie undies ad, black and white photography, b&w photo ads, the new Cosmo, my new jacket, microwave popcorn--really really buttery, hottie bass players, live concerts, dancing my ass off, winter-y like weather, the return of all my friends that abandoned me this past weekend (hehe), quarters, Dr. Pepper, crab rangoons, chilling with boss-lady, chilling with fabulous staff, having a wonderful weekend, cute outfits, "damn good hair", having a single (I'm beginning to really realize just what a blessing this is), super glue, Culver's custard, fall days, sunshine, watching the colours change, chasing leaves, puddles, cute boots, bubbles, late-night munchies, Nintendo (Castlevania baby!), old-school memories, having a blast in general, making mixes for people, seeing elusive friends, Harry Potter, acting dorky

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