"I'm bubbles--I Bring the Fun with Me!" [ October 14, 2002, 11:40 pm ]

Blaaaaah. I'm quite tired. Content, but tired. Blah blah blah. And I've figured out that I really can't do homework. I like to procrastinate waaaaay too much. My bad. It's not my fault that I can think of a whole lot more interesting and better things to do than writing a stupid paper. The kicker is that I actually had an extension on this paper, but did I want to finish it this weekend. Noooo, I wait til tonight to do it and it's due tomorrow. It's still not completely done. It's pretty accomplished but not totally. I still need to type it, finish it, make revisions. But I'm nearly done. For sure.

FUCK ESPN! I was watching these kickass cheerleading/dance/pom pom squad competitions on tv, and they just cut them off for fucking Baseball Tonight. Kiss my ass, ESPN. Helloooooo Comedy Central. Grr. It's not often that I actually find a good program on tv taht I actually enjoy. This stuff is fun and enjoyable. But noooooo they cancel it for fucking baseball. Grr grr. Oh well. At least SNL is on right now. Hurraaaaah.

Will Keim is on campus right now--he's NMU's Leader in Residence. I don't quite know what that means, but he's really great. I've been to two of his presentations tonight, and I'm quite inspired. He made me realize that who I am and what I do makes an impact in a lot of ways. That made me happy to know. And I've learned a lot just listening to him: how to be more empathetic, how to inspire, how to be a good friend, how to build community...just a whole lot of things that I wouldn't have even considered if I didn't go to his speeches. And I'm pumped cuz he's coming to our Leadership Theory class tomorrow to speak. Hurraaaaaay! *grin*

Oooooooh--Jimmy Fallon--Sully and Zazooo! Hehehehe. This skit is so fabulous. ("Do you get health care with this job? Cuz there's a 60/40 chance that I've been pregnant." "Pleeease tell me you got him saying 'nutlog' on tape!")

K, I'm gonna call it a night. I am sooo exhausted. Inspired, but really tired. Exhaustion sets in.....Hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: The sweet sounds of SNL with Garth Brooks

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: cute sweaters, short staff meetings, mash potatoes, Creme Soda, seeing lots of old friends, Kim Possible, flowers, war stories, being inspired, writing poems, 4 days till a vacay (!!), Porn-N-Chicken (sooo funny), microwave popcorn, free shit, lip gloss, cute eye makeup, boxers, sleeeeeeep, fun quotes, being responsible

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