The "Blossoming Rose" Gives Her Weekend Update (like a day late...) [ October 28, 2002, 11:53 pm ]

Hehehehe--I'm being naughty. I should be doing homework but I'm not. Hehehehehehehe! I need to do my study guide for Law class, so that I don't start to freak out about not studying. No worries--I'll do at least half of it after this entry. Promise. *grin*

Lalalaaaa. I just spent two hours at the coffee shop with my new friend Pete. He's in my SLFP with me, we're in the same group for group presentations. He's calmed me down about our presentation. Yay--we're not gonna fail. At least I don't think we're gonna fail.... we just talked and talked. I think he's a soul-mate. Not like "oh wow--we're gonna get married, I can see my children in his eyes" soul-mate. But soul-mate in the sense that we just get each other. We both have the same outlook on life. Except he's been to hell and back. (Moreso than I have.) And he doesn't see the point in being negative at all...ever. I really respect that. Cuz we all know that I can be quite the pesismist when I'm in the mood. He's very inspirational. He makes me want to be a better person. He makes me want to change the world. He is going to change the world. He's absolutely amazing. I'm so happy that we had a chance to bond.

In other news: my staff is so wonderful. Just plain wonderful. And I'm not saying that because there's a chance that they may read this. I'm genuine. (Y'all should know that!) Our staff meetings are so much fun. I can always look forward to funny stories from Spence, and silly impressions from Mike, and snide remarks from Vernon, and us girls...well, just being us girls. Hehehe. Davide made my night. Last week she gave me the kudos basket. Tonight she said "I've always loved you as a person and friend, but I wan't sure how you'd do as an AP. But NOW!! You're blossoming into a beautiful rose." It was soooo sweet. And last week Afton said I inspire her. We're so mushy. But it's so fabulous. It's gonna be interesting next week--we have to do peer evals on each other and state the stuff in front of the entire staff. A couple of people are a little leery of this, but I think that we're all mature enough to take constructive criticism. It's just another way to help us learn and grow--I'm all for it.

Oh--go here. For me. I'm doing an experiment. And it's in the spirit of halloween. Halloween fun!

Oh--I never talked about my weekend. Lalalaaa. It was quite fabulous...well, besides, the fact that The Ring scared me senseless. (And I'm still shaken up by it, FYI.)

Friday night was the drag show. Hurrah!!!! I love drag queens. They are sooo damn funny. They are the best conversationalists, bar none. And it's amazing how they strap themselves. You cannot see ANYTHING. And they don't wear baggy clothes either--they wear body suits and tight little skirts and shorts and outfits. It's amazing. It must hurt like hell. I cannot even imagine.

So, yeah, it was a lot of fun. Bob made quite an impression on the audience beforehand by jumping on stage and demonstrating his stripper abilities. He didn't get naked...all the way. His shirt came off. The boy can dance, there's no doubt about that. I'm just kind of wondering...whyyy? I'm all about embarassing the shit out yourself cuz I do it all the time. But it doesn't seem like Bob would really do that. Whatever. It looked like he was having fun.

And the show itself was pretty cool. I didn't stay for the whole thing. I left after the amateur competition. Which, by the way, my good friend Jay WON. He kicked ass. He went as Whitney Houston (his idol). He had a manicure and extensions. I didn't even think it was him when I first saw him. He looked fabulous. I was sooo happy that he won. There were a ton of people screaming for him and waving dollar bills at him. So great.

And it was thrilling cuz there were like three drag kings competing, too, in the amateur part. It's so much harder for girls to act like guys. My friend Kate was amazing. She did this old swingy song and danced around the stage like in Newsies. Soooo amazing. I had no idea she could dance like that! Amazing.

Friday was pretty impressive. And I topped it off with an hour-long convo with my mommy, so that made me happyyyyy.

Saturday was catch-up day. I got a lot of little shit done. Yay!!! And I had a "date." I went with one of my residents to see "Jackass." Can I just say how much I enjoyed that? Just being able to sit back and laugh for an hour and a half straight while sipping on Cherry Coke was like heaven to me. It was just great. I needed it. I was so stressed from doing homework and catching up that I had needed an escape. That certainly did it. *grin* Johnny Knoxville is HOTTT!! Mmmm. I'm still not understanding while those guys would do some of that stuff, but it was quite amusing. I wanna go and see it again!

Sunday (yesterday) I got to carve a pumpkin!!! I went to my mentor's house and I helped her and her kids carve pumpkins. It was soooo cute. Her kids are so adorable. Heather was quite picky about what she wanted on her pumpkin. It has stitches like she wanted. It was a creative concept. I'm usually just about carving the traditional triangle-eyes face.

I'm so happy about the relationship with my mentor. It's really growing. We used to have awkward pauses in conversation, and now we're to the point where we can't shut up. I met her on Friday for coffee at Babycakes (a new favorite cafe of mine!) and we talked for an hour straight. I love it when I bond with people.

Hehehehe--the SNL with Freddie Prinze Jr. is on. It's the skit with Enrique Iglesius and Ricky Martin. This is one of the best skits ever. "I'm not sweating--it's just my look." Download it cuz Chris Kattan is the shit.

I should go and do my study guide now. Whee. Sounds sooo appealing.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out my RockStar Fantasy To: This Ricky Martin SNL skit--hehehehe

Crush du Jour: Chris Kattan--you know how I am with guys who can make me laugh!

Happy Thought of the Moment:bonding with people, fun staff, hallmark moments, this SNL skit on right now, coconut-caramel italian sodas, smoothies, Harry Potter, laughing for an hour and a half straight (courtesy of Jackass), Jackass, pumpkin-carving, hoodies, sleep, short meetings, getting stuff done at meetings, pizza rolls, mashed potatoes, hanging out with friends, Moulin Rouge, compliments, giving the kudos basket, funstories, Lizzie McGuire, a clean room (yay!), Jimmy Fallon, Johnny Knoxville, the fun website you all should go to, long phone conversations, shout-outs, nice messages left for me on AIM, getting lots of shit accomplished, not procrastinating

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