Stress List (I need a masseuse!) [ October 28, 2002, 3:09 pm ]

Gaaaaah!!! Stress fills my life at the moment. Shall we break it down? Aight.

~Scheduling frenzy: all the residents need help. That's awesome. I'm overjoyed they're coming to me. I just hate not know the answers and having to bug ACAC all the time. I know I know--they're there for that exact reason but still. It just seems like a huge inconvenience.

~Projects: Namely, SLFP project. WE're dragging our asses hard-core. Hopefully at our meeting tonight we'll realize that shit needs to get done and FAST. Cuz our presentation's in 2 WEEKS. And I'm bugging. And I think I'm the only one. Not fair!

~Meetings up the ass: Yeah yeah, a regular part of my life. But it's become a game of "how many meetings can Krissy run to in one day?" Not cool

~Advising: an integral part of MY job. I have 5 advisees. One of my AP friends has NONE. Waah. I asked if she wanted a few of mine. Hehehe. Anyways, I'm helping all of them out this week. Gah. Let's just hope that they've actually looked at the scheduling booklets and attempted to plan some stuff out.

~Programs: I have 3--count 'em THREE PROGRAMS this week. A reader's theater/HPO thingy with VA tomorrow night, a scheduling party on Sunday night, and a professor slam after the party on Sunday night. All of which need advertising. GAAAAH. Flipping out a bit here. I'm sure I'll be fine as soon as I make some adverstising though.


~I have to meet with Wally about my schedule yet. Gaah

~HAC: my AP helper committee. All wonderful people. But I'm starting to FLIP OUT because we haven't contacted all of the businesses yet. And we need donations quick. Or money. Both of which we don't have. If anyone's feeling generous, please send donations to.....*grin* (And I'm only half-joking here, people!)

.....I think that's about it. But still! It's a lot of stuff on my mind. And I realized just 2 seconds ago that I double-booked myself for Wednesday morning. Good job, me. Actually triple-booked if you count the fact that I'm supposed to be doing office hours. But I'll take care of those later on in the day. No worries there.

Yeh....lots on my mind. I'm gonna go and attempt to get organized. God help me!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To:"If I could Go" by Angie Martinez (Describes me right now. current fantasy is going away to a deserted beach with Jimmy Fallon and George Clooney. Or even just going to a beach away from here. Yeah.......)

Crush du Jour:Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment:giving out the kudos basket, caffeine, sugar highs, getting encouragement on my poems, cute pix, my boss (soooo fabulous), gettin' help from HAC (thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!), massive bags of suckers, zoning out, my pearl ring, fantasizing about going to a deserted beach with the sun and palm trees, making mix cds for friends, inspiring others (Christy FINALLY gots herself a diary!), girly-fests, late-night television, Sunday Night Sex Show, figuring out my schedule (gonna be SWEEET next semester!), "Jenny from the Block"--such a cute song, carving pumpkins, being organized and responsible, cleaning, "Lose Yourself" by Eminem

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