Weekend Retrospective [ October 07, 2002, 12:23 am ]

It's been an....interesting weekend. Yeah, that's the best way to describe it.

I'm gonna start with the cryptic thingy that I can't really talk about, but need to sort my feelings out about. Ok, so there may be some trouble in paradise (read work). I can't say what the details are because: a) I don't know all of them for sure; b)for privacy reasons; c)it's really being kept on the downlow; d) everything's up in the air and nobody really has any clue what's going on or what's gonna happen; and e) some people who may know a little about what's happening may read this and rumors could get spread.

I guess all I can really say is that chaos errupted yesterday at some point in time involving a couple of people and that somebody knew more than they let on (maybe breaking a rule....maybe), which could be bad....I just want to say that it greatly frustrates me and makes me really sad because I have no clue what's gonna happen. And the only comfort I have in this is that neither does anybody else. I'm just really praying that things work out for the best and nobody ends up hurt in any way shape or form.

And it's frustrating because I wish there was something that I could do, but there really isn't. None of us can really do anything. And it sucks. Sooooo bad. It's not fair. I'm hurting because I really want to fix this, make everything better, make everything go back to the way it was before, and I'm nearly positive that because of this, it's not going to be anymore.

I guess it just goes to show that you never know. Things can change in just one moment, one second, one snapshot of your life. It's a mind-boggling and scary thought.

This little incident has put a damper slightly on my otherwise happy-high week. (As you know, I've been on an extremely giddy high since Monday. hehehe) I guess all I can really take comfort in is that everything will work out for the best, it's all in God's plan ultimately. And even though things may seem kind of shitty now, in the grand scheme of things everything is for a purpose.

(It amazes me sometimes how introspective I can be, even (or maybe it's ESPECIALLY) when I am pissy or sad or grumpy or tired.)

So yesterday, I traveled with a few of my fabulous residents up to the Land of Dick--aka Michigan Tech University--for the NMU vs. MTU game. I call MTU the land of dick for a couple of reasons: a) there's like 10 times as many guys as there are girls; b) everybody that attends this "school" are extremely cocky and egotistical and think that they're the best (riiiiiight--if they're the best then why the fuck are they in the middle of nowhere, depending on their hand for a good stable relationship?). That's what it's the Land-o-Dick. Hehehe

Anyways.....we got to campus just as the game was starting--it was fucking packed. I didn't think it was gonna sell out, but it nearly did. We seriously didn't think that we were gonna get tickets. Oh, but we did. And thank the Hockey Gods that we did, because the Cats kicked some Husky ASS. It rocked sooo bad. The final score was 4 to 1. Na-na-na-na-naaaa. Sorry I'm so infantile, but it totally put the Tech dorks in their place. They were all so cocky-confident that they were gonna whip our asses. One guy standing by us was sooo pissed that Northern fans were there. I seriously thought that he was going to have a stroke at one point--he was majorly pissed. "This is why I hate Northern so damn much." Direct quote from him. Yeah, well, cocky assholes like him are why I have a vendetta against Tech so bad.

Let me get this straight: you hate NMU because we have spirit and because we have more than 2 programs (theirs being engineering and trees--seriously) for students to major in? Because there's actually a decent ratio between both sexes? Because we have pride and we're GOOD at sports and music and theater and PR (one of the BEST programs in the country, baby!)and a shitload of other things? Because we have a decent laptop program and we're renowned for a bunch of things? Because we're not in the middle of butt-fucking nowhere? Because we may not have the highest GPA in the country? Because we're not one of the "nerdiest colleges in the country?" (And I'm sooo not joking here--Tech is renowned as one of the Top 10 nerdiest colleges in the whole US--they should be so proud. *Tear* "I'd like to thank all those students who wear pocket protectors and don't get laid and study 150 hours a week...")

Let me tell all you Tech assholes something, let me put this to you in a way you all can understand: Yeah, so we may not be the smartest people that roam this planet. But there is way more to life than a fuckin' GPA. Believe you me--having kickass social skill and common sense is going to get you a lot farther in life than if you have a goddamn fucking 4.0 GPA. If you have good grades, but no social skills, you're going to DIE in the real world. Who gives a fuck if you can rattle off all of the physical principals needed to build a bridge? Being book smart is good, but being sensible in the ways of the world, will sooo get you farther. The world is a game, and if you don't know how to play, you'll get eaten alive.

ALSO: Money is NOT the be-all-end-all to this world. (This is the most used argument when I "discuss" Tech vs. Northern. *disgusting snort*) Yeah, so you may be making hundreds of thousands of dollars designing buildings or figuring out the newest physics equations or whatever the fuck it is that you nerds do once you all graduate. But money cannot buy you happiness. Personally, I think money is evil. Necessary for living, but still evil. With my profession, I"ll be lucky to crack the $30,000 per year mark. But I KNOW I'll be happy. And that is ALL that matters. Which is more than 90% of the Tech graduates can say I'm sure. All I know is I'd rather be poor but happy and healthy in mind and spirit than rich and nearly putting a trigger to my head as a nightly ritual.

Pheeeeeeeeeew. I needed to let that out. Cuz everytime I argue with a Tech asshole, they don't know how to argue and it's one-sided and they figure out pretty quickly how to make me tear up and curl into the fetal position. Meaning, I can't argue with the cocky bastards.

So, yeah, I have a serious vendetta against Tech. And I grew up near that damn campus. The only nice thing about the campus is the abundance of hotties. That's the ONLY bonus. Seriously. But they're all cocky. And to me, cockiness seriously deters from hot-ness. Ladies, do ya agree with me? *grin*

Ummm....Oh--never let me and Em near a Target after we've had sugar and caffeine again. We went there yesterday cuz we wanted to look at Halloween costumes. Yah.....not good. We found Harry Potter stuff. "OOOH! I want to be Harry for Christmas!!!" (That was Emily, not me, for once.)

THEN we found Harry Potter Uno cards, with images from the movies. That just really set us off. We ended up running around the toy section squealing in delight, praising the Toy Gods. We each bought a set. It was pretty mighty. Hehehe! Yeah....hyperness ensued in Target yesterday. It was not good. I'm really shocked that somebody didn't personally escort us out of the store. I know that I scared a couple of little girls when I squealed/screamed cuz of a singing "sexy rex" hamster. It was around a bunch of associates. It could've all ended there....


I need to sleep.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "My Dad's Gone Crazy" by Eminem

Crush du Jour: mmm....buff Eminem--such a happy happy thought....

Happy Thought of the Moment:yummy fall apples, my NMU hockey hoodie, Stitch (I saw it AGAIN tonight at Campus Cinema--hehe), lots of caffeine, All American Girl by Meg Cabot (goood book), cute babies, Culver's ham and cheese, root beer, sleeping in, SNL being back for a new season, Jimmy Fallon, talking to old friends, my celly, not being as broke as I thought I was, Maya Angelou here on Tuesday(!!), study buck rounds, fun cds, old-school music, impromptu dinners, London-y days, new magazines, Target runs, "photo sessions", Harry Potter paraphenalia (hehehe), Sexy Rexy, my fabulous car (even though it has a flat right now--waaah), Comedy Central, weekend programming, late-night girly bonding

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