Worship Me, I AM a Goddess [ October 08, 2002, 12:50 am ]

I am a goddess. Lemme just say that. Here's all that I've accomplished today: I worked (and not the AP thang, either)--I walked around with an electrician and woke up residents while he tried to figure out the whole fire system thingy, I stayed awake through Poetry class (we had a "real live poet" lecture us today--oh, the excitement there...), I sat through 2 meetings for NAE where we attempted to figure out what the fuck was going on with Jim Bruer--we've set up meetings just in case he is coming to campus (I hope I hope I hope...), I sat through the longest fucking staff meeting in history--it was very....informative...yeah. It was all stuff we needed to know and learn, but I was clawing at the walls by the time it ended. AND I managed to hang out with friends, weasel a free pizza outta Dominos AND get my damn PR case study assignment done tonight. HA! Go me! Plus I did office hours, cleaned, did dishes, talked to a gabillion people, took about a zillion phone calls, arranged a favor for some friends, and figured out the rest of my week.

I really do have super-human strenght sometimes. Go me!

Nothing exciting is really going on with me. I'm still riding the tide of last week's high...which I guess would mean that I am still on a high. THat's all good.

Dad called me today. Oh the joy there. But he came baring good news--he has moneyyyy for meeeee. Lalala. This is fabulous. Now when I go to Traverse City next weekend I can sing a song of joy to the Borders Books god. Hehee--I'm so seriously in love with that store. Why they don't have one up here is sooo beyond me. Oooh! I just remembered about Meijers too. Maybe Hannah and I could buy plants--we meant to last time, but we kinda forgot and bought candy instead. My bad. I need some shrubbery in my room. That'd add a cute little touch I think . Hehe.

Tomorrow Maya Angelous visits NMU again. I'm getting kind of psyched. I knew I wouldn't be excited until she actually came, but I'm starting to get pumped. Eep! Get this: I'm gonna be at the BEC from about 2 on tomorrow. Groooooan. This is about how bad it is for a concert. Except that it's one person lecturing and NOT a crew of 2 dozen, a band of 6, and an entourage of like 10. So I don't know why I'm going so early. Maybe I won't go early, now that I think about it.....Yeah. Maybe I'll just go at like 4. Who knows. I guess it'll depend on what I feel like tomorrow. If I'm tired, then I'm sooo not gonna wanna hang out doing nothing from 2 until the program starts. Grr-ness.

My tire is still flat. Which doesn't surprise me, but it kinda pisses me off. I wish it weren't flat. It sucks dude. All I wanna do is just get it fixed so I can use my car if needed. But nooooo. It picks this week to be flat. I'm thinking Thursday I'm going to get it fixed. Yeah...Thursday is good. Cuz Friday I have to go shopping and soliciting and to a wedding. Yup yup

OHMYGOD! Joy-Joy's getting married on Friday. That is sooo freaky! I cannot believe it. It's so exciting. I knew she'd end up getting married cuz her and her fiance are so in love, so it's not really a shock. The kinda creepy thing, though, is that I saw the fiance last week while I was eating. And I was talking about the wedding and asking if he's excited or nervous or what. And it seemed like he was hitting on me. Or I thought he was at least. I am so bad at telling if somebody's hitting on me. Who knows--he could've just been complimenting me on my firey-like hair and "bright big eyes" (his words, not mine). I don't know. Either way, it kinda made me feel notsovery comfortable. Yeah...he's gonna be a hubby in like 5 days--his days of hitting on college chicks are o-vah. Lala

K, I'm thinking I'm gonna hit the pillow. I'm pretty tired.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Hemmorage (In My Hands)" by Fuel

Crush du Jour:Going with Mark McGrath--he's just sooo freakin' gorgeous...mmm--and I got to meet him--oh lucky meeee

Happy Thought of the Moment:inspiring people, figuring out that damn PR case, short meetings, crisp fall weather, fuzzy sweatshirts, free pizza, fun friends, phone calls from Joe that make my night, being naughty (not even gonna try to explain right now...), not being broke, Strawberry Crush, yummy smelling lotion, a clean room, fun mix cd's, Maya here tomorrow (eee), not procrastinating, hugs, cute outfits, good poems, intellectual guys (hehe--I'll explain that one tomorrow), John Mayer, SNL, my great staff, cute quotes

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