Wasting Time [ April 10, 2004, 3:44 pm ]

I'm ADD-ing so bad right now. I'm sitting in the LRC attempting to work on my take-home exam in Communication Theory. There's a couple of issues with this:

a.) this material completely sucks and I'm not interested in it. I'm not going to be a commincations research/doctorate-seeker/grad-student for this shiznit. Some of the theories may be miniscually applied to life, but really, ignorance in this aspect is bliss. Nobody cares thankyouverymuch.

b.) I'm cold. Dumbass me should've grabbed a sweatshirt before heading out but I didn't. Now I'm shivering. Suckage squared.

c.) scenes from last night keep running through my head. I feel like such a destructive person. I want clarity, I want closure, I just want to not have people mad at me. I figured that if I threw myself into this test then all would be well. Homework is usually a good cure for quasi-depressive me. Not so much right now. I'd give anything to have a heart-to-heart with Erin or Brett at this moment. Clear the air. Whatever it takes. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

What the fuck is wrong with me? This should be one of the greatest weeks of my college existence between the Mortar Board induction and my new position in NAE. Instead I'm freaking out over the status of my friendships with people. And stressed because of other various things.

I think what it boils down to is that I need to do some soul-searching of my own. And I really can't at the moment because of the piles of homework and the upcoming concert. But if I don't, I may explode. Or breakdown. Neither of which are good solutions.

If anyone has any advice/words of encouragement/a good slap in the face for me, feel free to call me or stop by or leave a note or something. Because I'm drowning right now.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Don't Drink the Water" by DMB--bittersweet.

Crush du Jour: Johnny Depp

Happy Thought of the Moment: Saturday morning cartoons, done with grilled cheese sales FOREVER, flip flops, London-y days, figuring out some of my Comm Theory shit, warm blankets, Before These Crowded Streets, Mo Rocca, dancing

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