Too Sick for a Title [ April 14, 2004, 12:48 am ]

I just realized that I've surpassed the 600 entry mark. Sweeeeet! Of course some of the early entries are crap--full of surveys and quiz results. But still. I'm proud of me. *pat on the back*

I am feelin' so ill right now. And I mean that in a bad way, thankyouverymuch. In the past 58 hours, I've only gotten 12 hours of sleep. I realize this is the norm for some (crazy-ass, wacked out) people, but I need at least 6 to 8 hours a night if I even think I'm going ot function. Not so much. Sunday night--3 and a half hours. I woke up at 5 am to go to TV 6 with some NAE-ers to promote the concert. I feel like it was bit of a waste for me cuz I didn't get on the air. *single tear* But Aaron and Clayton did well. And we drove around and discovered how many restaurants suck and don't open until 7 am after that so good times were had. Fo-sheezy.

I'm still exhausted from the OAR concert last night. 13 hours in the Berry--yeah, doesn't so much equal a sane, healthy girl. I did pretty much get to run the show last night, so that was cool. Thank God everyone is brilliant and knew what to do cuz I sure as fuck didn't. Plus I didn't get into a bitch fight with Bob (he's still a little um, pissed about the comments I said to him on Friday--my bad =/) like I thought I would. I survived, the concert's done. All is well.

If I remember and get motivated, I'll do a rundown sometime soon of the concert and its events. All I'll say right now is that there were a shitload of drunk people. Why the fuck would anyone want to be drunk at a concert? Wouldn't that hinder not heighten the whole experience? Hmm. Maybe it's just me. I actually like knowing what's going on when I've paid 40-or-more dollars to see a show. That could just be broke-ass me though. *razz*

Oooowwww! When I cough my throat burns. NyQuil pleeeease quick in SOON.

Oooh! I got my apartment for the summer/school-year. Sweeeet! =) It's a two bedroom on Summit Street. Just what Erin and I wanted. Thank god. I think if we had a one-bedroom place we may either drive each other insane or kill each other or both. So yay for Res-Life. And I think Dinkel's my neighbor so happiness supreme.

Oooowwww doubled. I hate being sick.

Speaking of friends...this last thing is for my dear Julia-Gulia:


She seriously rocks. I was so pumped to see her tonight.

Darling, fun shall be had by us this weekend. I'm sending all my love your way because lately it seems like you may need it. Much love and hugs darling!

With that, I think my beloved medicine is kicking in. Hurrah!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Daily Show with John Stewart dammit, I've seen this one already

Crush du Jour: Adam Sandler

Happy Thought of the Moment: OAR concert went well, cute shoes, being done with the Comm Theory take-home, cheese in a can, yummy real food, cute puppets, Guster, shiny nail polish, moisturizing lip balm, cool-ass NAE-ers, OAR being nice (thank God after the 311 incident), fun t-shirts, naps, breadsticks, open mic night at UpFront ("the toilet duck is laughing at me!!!"), my newly adopted "little sis" Jamey

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