Viva La Hebert J! [ October 14, 2003, 12:44 am ]

My fish is almost dead.

For real.

He has befriended the pretty stones at the bottom of the fishy bowl--foreshadowing his timely death, which I'm sure will come in a matter of days.

His color isn't even really there anymore. He's all dull and unsparkly. It's sad. And he swims funny. He only flaps one side of his fins, so he's all twirly and then gets dizzy and bumps around. It's entertaining, but also sad. It's like watching an old lady trip on a miniscule crack on a sidewalk. You watch and watch and then just laugh. Or maybe that's just me...cuz I can be mean.


I'm so sad that he's dying though. Cuz he's been here since I was a freshman. He saw my tribulations with freshie weirdo Natalie (the psycho bipolar hermit) and my love-hate relationship with Ann. He's seen the fabulous, rewarding highs and the struggles and heartbreak of my ResLife job. He's endured shrieks over shiny things and laughter over too many stupid jokes. He's endured my obsessions with NSync and John Mayer and watched too many SNL episodes with me. He's logged many hours of Disney Channel studying and just as many hours nappin' with me. He's seen the psychotic, yet lovable leaders of VA and the chilled, entertaining residents of Hunt. He's seen my moves, my transitions, my metamorphasis....

And that's the hard part. It's like a part of me is dying, in a way.

In all reality, betas should only live for two years or less. So he's lived a good life. And the fact that he's survived ME for over 3 years is a testament to my character and my commitment to something living. And I'm quite proud of that fact.

Thank you Hebert J, for being the best college pet ever. You'll be remembered.


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Take me Away" by FeFe something or other--I really like this song

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: happy moments with my fishy, Hebert tribute (when the time comes....)

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