Vampires Beware! [ October 14, 2003, 4:34 pm ]

I want to jam a pen through my eye at this moment. I really do. Is this normal? It is if you're in BC 165 with crazy-ass Bergault that's for fucking sure.

You should see the necklace see has on today. The wooden beads are HUGE. They look like cloves of garlic. Vampires, take note: stay away from my BC professor because she may just suck your life out of you. Well...she does that to all of us in this class. Vampires, just stay away from this class, cuz even if she's not wearing a garlic-y necklace, you'll die of boredom. Like the rest of my class.

(Uhh...she just called us "culture vultures." Umm....yeah. There are no words.)

And this crazy is making us go to a stupid cultural thing on Saturday. She pretty much said that if we don't go she'll give us a bad grade. GAAAAH. RAWR. Not impressive in my book. I wanted to go up to Tech to watch the NMU-Tech game since I'll miss part I of the series Friday night due to drag queeny goodness. We don't even get comp tix to this thing. We have to pay. Yet another way Northern rapes us of our money.

I am so not impressed at the moment.

In other news: my fish isn't dead yet. Yet is the key word. At this point I'm prodding him to die. I tried to convince him that fishy heaven is a happy place to quicken his departure. I want him to die. Cuz then I can get more fishy. I'm going to get 2 fishys then. Hurrah! Their names shall be Jay and Silent Bob. Heheheheeeee. Jay shall be blue and a tribute, an homage to my beloved Hebert. Now if only Hebert J will croak....

God I want Starbucks. The best and worst thing to happen to NMU's campus was definitely Starbucks. Bad for my account, good for yummy drinks. Yeah. I'm so addicted to iced chai's bad. But I feel so cultured and sophisticated when I walk around with a coffee cup from a coffeeshop. Like I'm saying "loook! Look at me! I'm cultured! I'm mature. I drink something caffeinated that's not from a plastic bottle. Mwahaha. You are also free to think that I'm intellectual and a deep thinker who reads obsecure poets and hangs out at galleries." I especially think that when I'm wearing my glasses and a fuzzy sweater jacket.

I'm a dork. But I'm a dork wearing my cute Tina Fey-esque glasses. And I'll be holding Starbucks soon enough. So I'll be a cultured-looking dork. Mwahaha.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: babbling of my BC classmates

Crush du Jour: Wade Robson (can I jump him. Please?)

Happy Thought of the Moment: sleeep, Subway runs, comfy days, hoodies, new shirts, sparkly red nail polish, inspiration for Halloween costumes, my boss, midnight WalMart runs, being able to go to WalMart and not spend money (woohoo! a first for me), silly quotes, soft tissues, Guesstures, kudos basket, little Katie Geiter, Vampire-y necklaces, gettin' shit done, subprofiles, online games

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