Maybe I Should Get Some Ringlets [ October 12, 2003, 12:25 pm ]

God I love my life.


I'm beaming. Lalala.

And it's not like anything fabulous has happened...hell, no guys even hit on me last night. But I'm having a true moment of clarity here.

It feels gooood.

Or maybe it's just the remnants of last night talking.

Last fun. SO fun. That's all I really want to say. That and me and my girls looked HOT. And we all had fun.

It was a good girly night.

And mulleted man returned!

WOOHOOO! Erin and I were quite excited about that. We were more than entertained the entire night by his dancing. Because he can't dance. But he was dancing.

And we got our drunken friend Yonika to go holler at his hair. She was toasted so she was up for anything. She jounced right up to him and ended up having a whole conversation with Mr. Mullet. We just about died laughing.

The verdict? "He hasn't cut his hair in 12 years and he's not about to start now. He said...HE SAID HE LIKED THE RINGLETS!!!!"

Like I said--I love my life. And at least I don't have a mullet. And I can dance.

Yeah, life is definitely good.

Now, if only McDonald's would serve breakfast all day, then I'd be set.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Cinderella" by the Cheetah Girls (Erin think it's shit, I think it's fun)

Crush du Jour: MULLET MAN!! (Just kidding)

Happy Thought of the Moment: girly nights, great friends, tubey thingys, food, cheesecake, costume hunting, Hocus Pocus, Halloweeny things, Kohls shopping, skankalicious nail polish, manicures, Lizzie McGuire, pop-y music, dancing fools (heavy emphasis on fools), "happy art is fun", chilling out, snackage, Ares (my new savior), hot boys

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