Viva La 80s!!! [ July 01, 2003, 3:16 pm ]

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! I just have to say how much I love Soap-Net. During the afternoon they play old, cheesy soaps. I was channel-surfing and stopped on this show called The Colbys. Cheesy 80s over-dramatized soap for sure. But something caught my eye--and now it's the only thing that has me watching it.

Mr. Oh-Rexy-You're-So-Sexy Maxwell Caulfield is the star of this little cheese-fest. Soooooo funny. It was filmed the the mid-80s, so it's like 8 to 10 years before Empire Records came out. He was actually cute in a not-cheesy way during the show. Gotta admit--I now have a teeny crush on 80s Maxwell Caulfield. POST-Grease 2, that is. He just looked dorky in that movie. Yeah. But Em--I would rent our cheesy musical now! Hehe

I feel like I broke my nose. It's really sore and I can't figure out why. It's like someone clocked the left side of my face. Not cool. And I have a little stupid bump again by the nosering. I think it's going away, but the fact that it's trying to come back is NOT impressing me. Grr.

Oh well.

I worked for 4 hours today. JoDee my boss had a LOT of copying for me to do and I had to put together a lot of files. Unfortunately our copier decided to go kaput right before I started so I had to use another copier in a different office. Gaah. Not cool. It took me a full hour to make all the copies. The girls in the office kept giving me dirrty looks. Sorrry--I didn't ASK for the office copier to break down. Gaah.

So I discovered today that I've been fond of using the word "totally" lately. I do not know why I suddenly picked up this Ninja Turtle word, but it's bugging me. And I only use it in the office! it's like some sort of office viiibe makes me channel bad 80s lingo. It's weird. I wonder how many people I've annoyed so far by talking like that.

Aight back to cheesy soapage for me. Wish me luck--I'm gonna bury myself in Order of the Phoenix and finish it hopefully this afternoon as well--only 5 more chapters to go! Woohoo!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: hehe--The Colbys--Maxy don't look too happy.

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy THought of the Moment: extra mooola, Legally Blonde out tomorrow, my pink octopuss, naps, cool summer nights, almost done with Harry, yummy breakfast dinners, fans, goofy dances, Chinese food

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