KiKi the Critic [ July 02, 2003, 11:52 pm ]


I FINALLY finished Order of the Phoenix.

woo woo

I'm proud of myself for this. It's no small feat--870 pages, baby. My arms started to get tired after propping it for a while. Gaah.

Lemme just say though--it felt like homework after awhile. Not cuz I didn't enjoy reading it, but because my (GRR) friends kept harassing me to finish it. And when I feel pressured, do you think I'm gonna enjoy the book?

Not so honestly felt like homework last night. I was lounging, watching tv and I looked at the book and groaned--I GROANED about Harry Potter--my favorite series.

I hate pressure.

I'm kinda resentful of it.

But it's done. It was good. LOTS of information. I found the fight scene towards the end to be semi-anti-climatic, but that's my own fault. I accidentally found out who died when I was only like halfway through the book (damn personal blogger sites!!!), so I wasn't really surprised. I was just like *yawn*. Haha.

The prophecy though--oooh, that's good. But it's not like it's a HUGE surprise or anything. I mean, come on--Harry's done more in his 4 years at wizarding school than most wizards can dream of accomplishing in their lifetimes. Cripe. But it's goood. And now I'm anxious to see what happens with the Dark Lord and Malfoy and the Death Eaters and Harry and the DA and all that good stuff in the next book.

And I love Fred and George. They crack me up. They're my heroes now. I hope they're in the rest of the books.

I enjoyed how JK's growing as an author. I don't know if her writing's just improved the more she's written or if she's just allowing her writing to mature with her audience, but her writing is so soo excellent now. Some parts were like poetry. And she can convey emotion a lot deeper now. This is the first Harry book that's invoked tears from me.

It's definitely a good chapter in the Harry saga. Azkaban is still my favorite, but this ones' pretty damn good. *grin*

Note to Brett and Emily: we can discuss the book now. Does this please you?


Em and I had a girly night tonight with Indy, a friend of Em's family's. That was pretty cool. We went to Applebees for dinner. Mmm. I love that place. I feel so dorky though cuz I always get a burger or chicken fingers. Or riblets. Why mess with a good thing, eh? Hehe. Our waiter was...he was something. He reminded me a bit of Chris Kattan. (Em, I know you're rolling your eyes and disagreeing, but I think he did, so just shut up.:P) That made me happy. Hehe.

(sidenote: my eyes is being alll weird right now and I don't know why. It's like sticking together. Gaaah! I think it's a sign for me to go to bed. Huh....)

Then we went and saw Legally Blonde 2. I was kind of pissed at the beginning cuz I thought it was going too slow and didn't have the snappiness or the funniness of the first one. If you go to see it--stick it out. It gets better as it goes along, it definitely picks up momentum. My conclusion? Not as good as the first, but it's fun. Go see it. You'll laugh. Hehe

I sound like a critic. But I am one. I feel the urge to spout my mouth off about what I think all the time. It's all good.


Errgh--I should go to bed. Maybe I'll finally get a good 7 hours of sleep for once. Ooooh

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Way Back to You" by Michelle Branch--track 3 on her new cd (yes I broke down and bought it)

Crush du Jour: Ashton Kutcher

Happy Thought of the Moment: cold water, movie popcorn, happy fun movies, being done with book #5, getting on to other fun novels that don't weigh half a ton, sleep, fans on hot days, a.c., fun at work, Bollywood station, goofing off, manicures, massages, bamboo tree, Target runs, new magazines, summer mix cd

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