Viruses SUCK!! [ January 03, 2003, 5:37 pm ]


Fabulous, this is JUST fabulous.


I got a virus. I got a fuckin' virus.

I KNEW I shouldn't have opened those thingys from Sierra. But I was like "oh, they're from her NMU account, they'll be fiiine." Oh right. You think I would have learned the first time a couple of years ago. (I opened a cute flower icon thing and it sent a really bad disabling virus to every address I'd ever seen an email from--it was baaaaad.)

It is a dumb virus too. I opened it from my angelfire account and it somehow got into my friggen NMU email account and sent shit to a lot of people. The thing is, I don't even have a mailing list for my NMU account, cuz I don't do social emails from that--I just receive work and school related emails through it. That's all. But SOMEHOW it emailed people. I think it may have hurt some other email accounts. To people whose NMU accounts are hurt: I AM SOOO SORRY. I'm kinda wondering who all got this thing. Cuz if it's like the other virus I had, it'll send shit to every single addy that I've ever seen or sent something too...including addresses that are just listed from forwards. I've sent a lot of emails to residents and NAE members and stuff. Not to mention my mentors, bosses, group leaders. Oh GOOODDD. Bad bad BAD.

I wonder what exactly this stupid thing is gonna do. I went to look in "my documents" folder. ALL GONE. NOTHING is in there at all. Shit shit shit. All my poems, papers, work from this past semester were in there. Not good. I do'nt know what else got hurt on my computer. Hopefully it's not too too bad. And hopefully I'll be able to recover my documents. Otherwise I'll be PISSED. Mostly cuz of the poems. All the final revisions were on this thang.

Oh well.

I know that far worse things could happen in life. This is just a small kink. (A small kink that ticks me off but still. In the grand scheme of things, I know that this doesn't make too much of a difference.)

Hmmm. I just had Norton scan my entire computer and it didn't find anything. Maybe the virus just gets into the email, wreaks havoc and chaos for a bit and then just goes away (after wiping out "my documents" of course!).

Other than this little kink, today has been good. I got to go shopping with Mom. A kind of last hurrah type of thing for the two of us. We went out to lunch and had a good heart-to-heart. Whoosh. That felt good. And we went shopping. Krissy has foo-ood, Krissy has foo-ood! And Krissy also got some cute new sweaters! (Not like I need anymore, but still! A girl can never have enough variety in her wardrobe!)

Aight, I should jet. I get to play drums. YAAAAAY! I'll explain later.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Complete silence almost--just the ticking of the clock and the clicking of the keyboard

Crush du Jour: Umm...*grin*

Happy Thought of the Moment: no computer virus, the ADORABLE pix that my family got back today from Christmas, mommy heart-to-hearts, my stuffed Stitch, Em phone calls, Pooh mugs, frozen pizzas, Mom's spaghetti, fuzzy memories, 10 Things I Hate About You on DVD (yay!), talking to friends online, Disney Days calendar, Taco Salad, quality time with Em, playing drums!!!

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