Drum Grrrl! [ January 03, 2003, 11:58 pm ]

Mmmk, so maybe I don't really have a virus. I don't get this thang!

It hacked into my email account from NMU and apparrently sent massive amounts of the virus to a lot of people. But as far as I can tell it hasn't done anything to my computer.

Yes--I even recovered "My Documents" file, it was just hidden. SCORE! I win! Yaaaay!

Life is good.

I figured out why I've been so freakin' ornery and sensitive lately. The usual culprit: PMS. Grrr. You know, I really hate being a woman sometimes. Yeah. Oh well. It's nothing that gallons of water and Midol (and StarBurst!) won't cure.

It was bad--I almost had a breakdown at lunch with Mom today (hence the heart-to-heart). I just started telling her EVERYTHING that was on my mind: how I thought our relationship was deteriorating (she reassured me that it wasn't, she loves me, etc...), how the future scares me shitless, how sometimes I feel like a loser-failure.

Mom is sooo fucking smart. People--listen to your moms. They're brilliant. At least my Mom is. Her priceless advice this time: you're the only one that can make you happy. This I knew, but I needed the kick in the ass. Mom knows her shit. She basically gave me all the reassurance and confidence I needed to regain my composure and strength.

God, my mom is amazing. She never fails to amaze me.

I'm pumped--I'm taking her to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding tomorrow. I'm so psyched. I've been telling her for months that she HAS to see this movie, and it's FINALLY come to Houghton (we're a hick town--we're just a little behind). So I'm taking her to see it tomorrow. I'm beyond geeked about this. I know she'll love it. Quality Mom-Daughter time! YAY!

I got to play the drums tonight with my old pep band. Good old Chassell Schools pep band. Em and I were asked by Petro to play with them cuz one of their drummers was gonna be outta town. Duuhh--that was a no-brainer.

It's so liberating to wail on the drums. Haha--I sound like I'm such a percussion expert. Yeah right--I suck, Em's the fabulous drummer of the two of us. It's all good--I just love the high I get from it, wailing away, not a care in the world. Mmm. It was great.

I got to play "Crunch Time." Now--this was kinda my song in high school. It's so freakin' fast--Em won't even touch it. Like as fast as you can possibly go on a drumset. And I didn't think I was that good at it in high school. It may have been my signature song, but I always felt DEAD after it, cuz my arms killed--that's how fast you're going. So yeah, we played it tonight.

It kicked ASS!!! Yeah baby! It wasn't the best I've ever played it, but it was up there in the top 3 times. Go me-ee! Go mee-ee! Lala

It was great. *grin*

I'm gonna jet. I'm gonna down some NyQuil and go to bed to conquer to cold that seems to be coming on. Ugh

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the Tonight Show--Ashton Kutcher's on--he's sooo funny

Crush du Jour: *grin*

Happy Thought of the Moment: my life goal's list, scrapbooking, playing the drums, fun pix, the hand jive, cute boots, being nearly packed, fresh laundry, sparkling juice, steak grinders, Head over Heels, Eminem, Ashton Kutcher, sparkly shakers, my new layout, cold water, Midol, flannel sheets, cute candle holders, Ever After, Chicago out in less than 3 weeks (!!!), Chicago soundtrack

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