Surveyyyyyyyy [ May 27, 2003, 11:48 pm ]

First off, I'm NOT impressed that I can barely get on to write an entry whenever I want because of the new servers or whatever. New servers my ASS!!! I think it got worse with the new servers, cuz I've never seen the "hold-up-we're-overcrowded-and-really-really-really-really-really-super-busy-right-now." until the whole new servers came up. Grr.

Secondly, I'm tired. Night driving=not cool for KiKi. Granted I got to see Pookie graduate tonight, but the poopie thing was that I hadda drive home right after it was done. I'll talk more about it later.

Now....a survey! Hurrah!!!

// series one - you \

--Name: Krissy aka KiKi aka AP Krissy aka Burger aka Special K

-- Birthdate: July 28, 1982

-- Birthplace: Ispeming--Bell Memorial

-- Current Location: Marquette!! Yay for my apartment!!!

-- Eye Color: Stormy blue

-- Hair Color: Umm....reddish brown. ALWAYS will be some sort of red, promise!

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Leo--hear me RAWR!!!

-- Innie or Outtie: Innie, baby!

// series two - describe \

-- Your heritage: 1/3 French, 1/3 Finnish, 1/3 British or Russian (my dad's quite confused as to his heritage...don't ask.)

-- The shoes you wore today: can't go wrong with my flip-flops, then had on my Skankalicious 4-inch strappy heels for graduation

-- Your hair: didn't we go through this already?

-- Your eyes: we went through this: stormy blue, which means deep blue with hints of gray. But I discovered that when I cry my eyes are crazy deep blue.

-- Your weakness: I have a fondness for cute babies, puppies, anything sparkly or glittery, sun, candles, thunderstorms, music, good movies, delicious novels, guy's cologne and cute, funny guys (think Jimmy Fallon and Ben Stiller)

-- Your fears: still trying to overcome that damn fear of heights...gaah.

-- Your perfect pizza: thin crust--extra crispy--with bacon or pepperoni

-- One thing you'd like to achieve: I really want to break into MTV or the music industry or become a respected colleague in the Public Relations world. And I'm always for the whole bettering of my self thing--learning more about myself is always a big achievement.

// series three - what is \

-- Your most overused phrase on msgr: hahaha or SHUT UP (that's just usually with Em though)

-- Your thoughts first waking up: Eerrghmmnnggg--do I HAVE to wake up?

-- The first feature(s) you notice in the opposite sex: Their eyes then their hair and features--whether they're dark-featured (hell yeah!) or not (not too bad though!)

-- Your best physical feature: I always get compliments on my eyes and my hair. Lately people have been telling me how "beautiful" I am. Hmm...

-- Your bedtime: On days I have to work EARLY the next morning, I'm asleep before 1 AM. But usually I don't hit the hay till 3ish am.

-- Your greatest accomplishment: Getting the job in ResLife--it's such an amazing compliment to have these great people say that they trust you and believe in you to help residents out. Wow...

-- Your most missed memory: goofing off with Em in band--it was so fun acting retarded in the percussion section--we got away with MURDER!!!

// series four - you prefer \

-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi please!

-- McDonald's or Burger King: BK all the way!!!

-- Single or group dates: mono e mono

-- Adidas or Nike: I likey Adidas

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino...but I'd rather have a steamer or italian cream soda

-- Bras or Panties: do I really have a choice here....actually, it's great being on the smaller chest range cuz I can go without a bra.

// series five - do you \

-- Smoke: Hell no

-- Cuss: Yeah...trying to stop though!!!

-- Take a shower everyday: Usually every other day cuz it's not good for my hair to wash it every day.

-- Have a crush: Not really. Oh darn. *sarcasm*

-- Want to go to college: Hmm...considering that I'm nearly done with college, I'm gonna go with yes.

-- Like high school: I had fun in high school, but looking back I wouldn't want to do it again. Ugh.

-- Want to get married: Perhaps perhaps perhaps

-- Believe in yourself: Hell yeah, I'm my biggest fan. I know I can do anything I set my mind to. Those who reach may not touch the stars, but they'll walk among the stardust--my new motto. GO ME!!

-- Get motion sickness: Nah not really

-- Think you're attractive: I'm no Tyra, but I'm no gremlin. Usually I look in the mirror and think "dang, I'm cute!" :p

-- Think you're a health freak: Pardon moi while I bust my gut laughing

-- Get along with your parents: Not too fond of my dad, but I adore my mom--she's one of my best friends.

-- Like thunderstorms: Don't get me started. Good GOD I love them!

--Play an instrument: I play clarinet and drums. Take a guess which one I like more. Hehe....

// series six - in the past month, did/have you \

-- Drank alcohol:! Yay me!

-- Smoke(d): Umm...yeah--I did when Hannah came up. hehe--my bad.

-- Done a drug: Not unless you count Midol or Tylenol

-- Made Out: HA! Yeah right.

-- Go to the mall?: Does the Marquette Mall count? Yeah..I didn't think so either. :P

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Is that even possible?

-- Eaten sushi: Yes!! Woohoo! But I can't get Bob, Em or Katy to eat it. Boo.

-- Been on stage: No I haven't. Unless you count dancing around the stage before a Second City performance. I really don't.

-- Gone skating: Nope

-- Made homemade cookies: I made brownies. Yay!

-- Been in love: Nope

-- Gone skinny dipping: Not in the past 6 months

-- Dyed your hair: Not in the last month--amazing.

-- Stolen anything: Nope

// series seven - have you ever \

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Kind of...

-- If so, was it mixed company: I can't remember.

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope, I'm mature and responsible. So HA!

-- Been caught "doing something": haha--funny question. Nope!

-- Been called a tease: Yah.

-- Gotten beaten up: No, which is shocking when I think about all the arguments me and Casandra got in on the playground.

-- Shoplifted:

-- If so, did you get caught: Nope

// series eight - the future \

-- Age you hope to be married: Not at least until my late 20s or beyond.

-- Numbers and Names of Children: well I don't WANT children. But I do like the names Taylor, Madeleine, Elise and Madison for girls. And I like Dakota, Shane, Sean and Chase for boys. This does NOT mean I want 8 children.

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: It'll be a small ceremony with 2 or 3 bridesmaids. JOE will walk me down the aisle (for sure, I know this). There'll be 50 guests at the most--just closest friends and family. It'll be outside under the twinkling stars. All the guests will light a candle when they arrive as a wish of good luck and prosperity for me and my husband. I'll walk down the aisle to a harp playing Jesu Man of Hearts Desire. My gown will be a princess-y type gown (and it'll have a hint of color--not just white--that's just uggy.) The reception? Probably HUGE with all my friends and family. We'll club it up until dawn. Hehe. But I haven't thought about this or anything....

-- How do you want to die: in my sleep when I'm 112 with my family gathered around saying "she lived a full and happy life"

-- Where you want to go to college: I wanna go to grad school at U of M--yay Ann Arbor!

-- What did you want to be when you growing up: PR specialish

-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy!!!!

// series nine - opposite sex \

-- Best eye color: dark eyes!

-- Best hair color: dark hair!

-- Short or long hair: shorter, but longer-growing-it-kinda-out-in-a-shaggy-way is sexy too.

-- Best height: Anything taller than me--but not too tall!

-- Best weight: No more than 250

-- Best articles of clothing: rockstar jeans and a button-down, accesorized with yummy-smelling cologne and disheveled hair.

-- Best date: good food and good looong conversation.

-- Best first kiss location: not to sound too cliche--under the stars. *sigh*

// series ten - number of

-- Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you've had: technically...none.

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Umm...none...unless you count alcohol. Me such a renegade. :p

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: At least 3.

-- Number of CDs that I own: Umm...high 200s--I've lost count, honestly. And that's not even counting all the mixes I've made or people've made for me.

-- Number of piercings: 4: 3 in my ears, and my beloved nose stud! *grin*

-- Number of tattoos: none, but still want the Kanji "shine on"

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Umm...probably around a dozen or so.

-- Number of scars on my body: 3 on my knees from my tomboy years and a chin scar compliments of Pookie

Off to bed for me!!!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials on Disney Channel

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: Pookie graduating!!! (Congrats hon!), gorgeous weather, chinese food, decorated cars, good drive home, voice messages, good cable, flower from Katy, photo opps, lots of hugs, Romy and Michelle, SpiceWorld, Stitch, Hawaii presents, good pix, cute kids, waterproof mascara

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