Randomness Ensues....Venting and More [ May 22, 2002, 9:22 pm ]

Oh nooo! I only have 8 more minutes online before Pookie kicks me off. Noooo! Lol

Tonight's been so fabulous. I actually got my room clean. Miracle of miracles! Hehehehe. And I found my yearbook from my senior year. It'd be missing. I thought I'd have to dig through masses of stuff to find it. Nooope. Didn't have to. Yay yay yay! AND...Hebert J has returned! (He's my fishy fish.) Katy had him for the past year cuz I didnt feel like lugging him to campus and back....but now he's in my room. I'm so shocked that he's still alive. I got him at the beginning of freshman year. AMAZING. =) It makes me happy that he's still alive.

I'm quite giddy tonight. Very very hyper. Hehehe Everyone should be afraid. :p I don't really have much to talk about. I'm chatting with friends in Marquette. I MISS THEM SOOOO MUCH. =/

K, guys still suck. Just a little FYI...cuz they do. I'm getting over it though. Yes yes. I realize I'm fabulous. Any guy that doesn't come to that conclusion can just kiss my glorious ass. :D I know that I deserve a great guy, and if Mr. Dork is going to be a jerk than I'm just gonna get over it. AAAHHH to him. I've got better things on my mind. yes yes

Wow...I can't believe how good venting felt. Much better now. Mind is cleared. Yay!

KiKi's Happy List for the Evening: my cute halter black halter top, popsicles, cold soda, warm breezes, scrapbooking (what I'm going to be doing in a few minutes), my be-yooo-ti-ful fishy Hebert J, my senior yearbook, finding my NSYNC cd holder with my fave cds still in it (I know I'm a dork), a clean room, Tobey McGuire, Yoda, Hayden C from Episode II, Em's emails (she was on a roll tonight), the fact that Pookie's being nice to me, and Joe's dance mix cd he made for me--Dance all night! Hurray!!

K, Katy's kicking me off. BRAAAAAHHH! Until next time...Ciao, dahling!


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