Lalalaaa--A GOOD Day [ May 23, 2002, 1:00 pm ]

It may finally be summer. THAT would be a miracle. Wow. I'm psyched!!! It's absolutely gorgeous outside. And me being the dork I am, I'm in the house online. Hehehehehe

Once again I am giddy....but is this really anything new? Nooooo....:D

I'm thinking that guys may not suck anymore. Not gonna jinx it so I'm not gonna say much. I find it amazing though how a guy can say one or two things and just completely change your attitude. Wow. I'm all smiles right now....and really there isn't a specific reason why. I'm just gonna say that I'm hopeful....everso very very hopeful. I will say this though: I'm ready to take a chance. Which is a huge first for me. I'm no stranger to risk but not when it comes to guys and the like. So yeah....I'll keep you posted as to what ensues. It may take awhile, but I have a feeling that in the end it'll be completely worth it.

I feel the need to do a happy list:

~Summery weather

~Working on my tan (cuz I WILL be later, mark my words. I'm sick of being pasty white)

~Having Harry Potter on reserve for it's Tuesday release (Waaaay psyched about it. Yay yay yay)

~the Sketcher sandals I stole from Pookie (she's not thrilled, but I think they're the greatest shoes ever)

~My nail polish job--cherry red with random pink polka-dots--quite summery and fun!

~Having a clean bedroom

~Guys (Cuz today they don't suck)

~Port Charles (the only soap I find to be worth watching cuz it's a little out there, but not Days and Passions out there wacko)

~Mateo from All My Children (Mmmm...I've had the biggest crush on him for the past 4 years)

~Fresh laundry

~Edy's All-Fruit Strawberry bars (I call them my "goddess bars," they're THAT GOOD)

~Having a full tank of gas in my car

~The prospect of making lots of money waitressing this weekend

~Having a good hair day (and without pomade or gel or hairspray or mousse or a flatiron....)

~Herbal Essences shampoo (the reason my hair actually looks good)

~the new John Mayer cd (I haven't listened to it yet, but I love the "No Such Thing" song, so I'm quite hopeful)

~Seeing old friends


~Photos (these will make me eternally happy. I've archived my entire high school and college existence. It's too fun to look back at the pix)

~My financial aide (I'm still way geeked about that *grin*)

~Skyy Blue vodka bottles (They sooo pretty)

~Pixie Stix

~Mom's yummy bars

~Finally figuring out my voicemail =)

Aight....enough for now. I'm going to go and take a nappy nap. Mom woke me up at 8 this morning to run errands with her. Blaaaah. This after I'd been up til 2:30 reading "She's Come Undone." By the way: that is a FABULOUS book. This is the 3rd time I've read it. I never fail to be inspired by Delores and her struggles and her courage. It gives me hope and encouragement. (This has been my shameless plug for the day. Thank you for your time! Now go and read it!!!)

Ciao for now, dahling!


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