Survery Time Again! [ May 22, 2002, 11:29 am ]

Woo-hooo! Me found a survey! Rejoice--you'll learn even more about me. Aren't you excited? :p

Aight, presenting..........


1.) Do like school or your job? I LOVE school--it's more fun than should be allowed. My job--eh, yeah, I enjoy the people and it's not too hard.

2.) Where do you go to school? Northern Michigan Universit(Northern...Naturally)

3.) Do you like to talk on the phone? Hell yeah! I love talking!

4.)Do you like to dance? FUCK YEAH! It's my favorite thing in the world

5.) Your birthday? July 28, 1982

6.) Where you were born? Ishpeming, MI

7.) Scared to ask someone out? Ummm..YEAH! Rejection sucks

8.) What you want to be when you grow up? A PR practitioner....or ruler of the MTV universe

9.) Ever gone skinny dipping? BRahahaha....

10.) Ever thought you were going to die? Not seriously. I say it sometimes when I want to be dramatic. :p

11.) Ever wanted to die? Nope

12.) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope, but here's hoping!

13.) Do you sleep w/stuffed animals? In the dorm I do, but my bed here is too small.

14.) Do you like professional wrestling? OOOOHHH--MAVEN is SUCH A HOTTIE!! Yes yes yes!

15.) Are you a good listener? I'd like to think I am, but sometimes I zone out

16.) The last time you cried? I think a few days ago

17.) You cried because? Of a guy

18.) Can you swim? I swear I was a mermaid in another life!

19.) Do you sing in the shower? When the mood strikes me

20.) Do you think cheerleading is a sport? The kind I did was...NMU's cheerleaders are NOT

21.) Ever stolen anything? Joe and I kifed a lipstick from KMart during closeout chaos--are we renegades or what?

23.) Color of your toothbrush? Clear and blue spacey looking

24.) Favorite word? Fabulous, chaotic, marvelous and "shut up"

25.) The hardest thing about growing up? Facing the fact that people change

and questioning yourself and your beliefs and who you are.

26.) Believe in love at first sight?**sigh**Of course

27.) Ever been in love? Not yet

29.) Meanest thing someone said to you? That I was fake...which is horribly untrue!

30.) Meanest thing someone did to you?Blew me off when I was everso hopeful.

31.) Favorite place to be? Surrounded by my friends...or on a beach with a coconut drink while the sun beats on my back

32.) Best feeling in the world? Knowing that I'm loved by my friends and family

33.) Are looks important? For a split second yes, but in the long run, not really

34.) Your height? 5'4" (I'm short)

35.) Your weight? No idea--scales are the devil. Lets say I'm curvacious cuz I am. *grin*

36.) Your eye color? stormy blue

37.) Your hair color? Reddish with blonde streaks

38.)Ever broke up with someone and gotten together again? Nope

39.) Dream vacation? A tour of Europe to see all the castles and cathedrals.

40.) Last time/person you hugged? Probably Pookie...or Em

41.) Last time you were kissed? Ahhh....

42.)Where you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully living in a dizzying city where I love life and my PR career, surrounded by my loved ones, basically loving life

>46.) Deaf or Blind? Neither hopefully!

>47.) Day or night? Night...stars, moon, milky, moonlight, planets--mmm

48.) Ford or Chevy? Total guy question-WHO CARES?

49.) Long hair or shorthair? Short hair

50.) Cats or dogs? Doggy!

51.) Pink or blue? pink

52.) Ever had your heart broken? Yup--cuz guys are poopy

53.) Ever broken a heart? Not to my realization. If I have I'm sorry!

54.) Your greatest fear? Not living life to it's fullest...or spiders. ICKY!!

55.) Like to read? Oh yes

56.) Poetry or romance novel? Poetry

57.) Fruit or candy? Hehe--depends on my mood

58.) Orange or apple? Yummy orange

59.)What would you do for a million dollars? Umm...depends...not sell out, not sell my body, not go on a gameshow

60.) Smoker or non? Non, with some spurts of a nicottine fix

61.) Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

62.) Hugs or kisses? Kisses baby

63.) Hot or cold? SUN!!

64.) Read it or hear it? Read

65.) Train or plane? Plane.

66) Superhero or lover? Lover.

67.) Beef or chicken? I love steak and burgers! Chickens good too though!

68.)Pencils or pens? Pen

69.) Sunset or sunrise? Sunset

70.) Tent or stars? Under the stars..

71.) Favorite song lyrics? "Aint it funny how a moment can just change your life and you don't wanna face whats wrong or right/Ain't it strange how fate can play a part in the story of your heart?"~Ain't it Funny by J.LO & "I wanna run through the halls of my high school/I want to scream at the top of my lungs/I just found out there's no such thing as the real world/Just a place you've got to rise above" by John Mayer

72.) Cell phone or pay phone? I looove my celly

73.) Favorite actor? John Cusack or Tom Hanks....OH or Ewan McGregor

74.) Favorite actress? Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Kirsten Dunst

75.) If you got a present, what would you want? I love when people actually put thought into their presents, like if they make them. Melissa's a goddess for doing this. Mwah, hon. Or else, if they got me anything NSync or diva related, I'm pretty giddy

76.) Favorite movie quote(s)?"DODGE THIS" (The Matrix) "Fuck me!...Oh darn!" (Speed) "If I had your job...I'd shoot myself! Wait here I'll go find a gun." (League of their own)

77.)Favorite sport to watch? Football or hockey

78.) Favorite topic? Pretty much anything

79.) Least favorite topic? Anything I find boring at the moment

80.) Salad dressing? Ranch

81.) Restaurant? Applebees, Red Lobster, The Library, Backroad Cafe (YEAH!!)

82.) Fast Food? Taco Bell or BK

83.) Pillows on bed? Yes please

84.) Truck or car? Car--Lancelot kicks ass!!!

86.) Best friend(s)? Emily, Megan, Melissa, Sierra, Heather, Joe

87.) Funniest person you know? Emily cuz we find the dumbest stuff funny, and Jon and Jonathan cuz they never fail to get me to laugh uncontrollably

88.) Favorite color? purple or orange

89.) Favorite place to be kissed? lips

90.) Favorite song? Crush by DMB, Let's Get Loud by J.Lo, Can't Get You Outta My Head by Kylie Minogue

91.) Horse or cow? Mooooo cows! :D

92.) Country or rock? EEWW! I hate country music!

93.) Email or snail mail? I don't complain with either! I love mail! Send me something!

94.)Favorite movie? Moulin Rouge, Ocean's 11, Princess Diaries, Swingers, Zoolander, Charlie's Angels, Runaway Bride, SpiceWorld (!!!)

95.) Favorite television show? Friends or SNL

96.) Cake or pie? Pie

97.)Fragrance? Curve, CKOne, Lucky You, Cool Water, AE Alive, Candy, True Love, or (My ultimate favorite) BCBG Metro

98.) Glasses or contacts? Contacts

99.) Clean shaven or hairy? shaven, but 5 o'clock shadow on guys is very sexy

100.) Blunt objects jabbed into your eyes or jazz? Lol--jazz

101.) Favorite trip? Gotta be Hawaii. I can't believe that was 2 years ago!!

102.) Who you gonna call? Mom when I'm at Northern, or Emily...usually I message people

103.) Person you admire most? My mom

104.)Ever bought a lottery ticket? Once or twice--I always LOSE

105.) Tongue ring or belly ring? Neither...I want my eyebrow pierced!

106.) Favorite expression? Fabulous!!

107.) Philosophy in a nutshell: Love yourself above all else. And if you're going to walk on thin ice you might as well dance!

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