A Typical Day? [ October 23, 2002, 12:26 am ]

Another chaotic Krissy type of day: class from 10 to noon, meeting with prof, lunch, shopping, hanging with friends, class, nap, meetings meetings meetings, round (kind of...), now almost sleep. Almost....

Sooo I'm not complaining. NOt at all. I really like the chaos that is my life. And I've discovered that I can run really well on only 5 hours of sleep. Go me!

It's just been a typical day. It's kind of funny that I can't really describe a typical day because I don't really have a set pattern. Which is great. I love it. Patterns and routine are boring. They scare me.


Yeah so I just found out like 3.2 seconds ago that I get to go out to dinner with Judy Shepard and Platform and Outlook people. I am soooo excited! I am BEYOND excited. This is SUCH a great opportunity for me. And for my hall. I'm really pumped. I'll be sure to let y'all know about it afterwards tomorrow. *eeep*

In other news: Pookie turns 18....oh, like now seeing that it's the 23rd. Wow. I can't believe she's legal. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS-TAH! I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!

I judged in VA tonight for the "How Rad is Your Pad" competition. That was loads of fun. I bonded with Katie and Mike a bit more, so I'm quite happy about that. Dude, there are some great dorms around there. I was really impressed. Really really really impressed. Like my room looks like shit compared to some of these places. But I got kinda pissed off because there's a new rule this year that NOTHING is to be on the ceilings. AT ALL. Nada. Zip. And we've been enforcing it really harshly. We've hollered at people, written them up. Yeah....so we go to a room in VA and I mention that there's a bunch of stuff hanging from the ceiling and isn't that illegal? And all the RD can say is "oh just ignore it--you DON'T see it." Riiight. And it wasn't just that once. THere were a good half dozen more rooms with stuff on the ceiling and we were told to blatantly just ignore it and look at the "room." Yeah...isn't the ceiling PART of the room? Or am I just retarded? Who knows. It just really pissed me off, because A: it's illegal and B: this RD is usually sooo by-the-book that he'd document you for ANYTHING bad. He won't even say the word "beer" in the hallways for Christ's sake and he's letting residents get away with this HUGE violation? That ain't cool.


Lalala--I'm doing my jooooooob gooooooood. And this isn't just me being egotistical. This is what at least 3 residents told me today. Yay yay yay! That totally made my day. It's good to know that I'm helping them, making at least a small difference. I'm loved. Lalala

Other good news of the day: my mom FINALLY found a car...hopefully. She's going look at it this week and she'll snap it up if it's half as wonderful as it sounds. THANK GOD--you have nooo idea how long we've been praying for her to find a car.

I'm really cold right now. I don't know why. Grrr

I had a really good convo with my Mom tonight. I was really happy to hear from her. I miss my family so much. But yeah--she called and we talked for a good half an hour before a meeting. And it wasn't just dumb small talk stuff too. We were both bawling during certain parts of the convo. We were talking about closed-minded people and how emotional we are and I told her about the Laramie Project and how much I was impacted by that. It was really great. I miss long conversations with my mommy. *tear*

I'm thinking I'm going to bed now so I can get a good 9 hours. Doesn't that sound just divine? I think so. Mwah!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Don't Tell Me" by Madonna (mmm---think of the cowboys in that video...mmmmmmmmmmm)

Crush du Jour: George Clooney...and the cowboy guys--hehehe

Happy Thought of the Moment: dinner with Judy Shepard, no Case Studies today, figuring out stupid homework, being motivated, bonding with residents, Jackass "date" on Saturday, Rocky Horror this week, fun dorm rooms, cute novels, Stitch, Daniel Radcliffe (ohmyGOD! He's SUCH a hottie already--hurry up and be 18 dammit!), being organized, getting stuff accomplished, the thought of ruling MTV someday, goofing off in class, Leadership class, inspiring people, carving pumpkins, channeling creativity, Midol--a gift from the gods, being philosophical, vampires, rediscovering "old school" music, Jimmy Fallon, fun hair stuff, shopping, silly cards, strawberry Sorbet, getting friends' reactions on my firey fun hair, feeling cute, fuzzy sweaters, free magnets, "Out of Sight"

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