Rollercoaster Day [ October 23, 2002, 10:43 pm ]

It's been a ride, folks, it's been a rollercoaster riiiiide today. Let ME just tell you about MY day.


Soooo...I was bad. Very bad. I didn't go to Poetry today. Blame it on Melissa. We were IM'ing each other and complaining about how pointless class has gotten and we decided that it'd be much more beneficial to go and bond over Applebees yummy foods instead of boring our brains out learning about sestinas and soliliquies. I think we made the right choice.


We also did a lil' mall crawl. And be proud of me--I DIDN'T BUY A SINGLE FUCKING THING. Nothing. Nada. Not one little thing. Go me!!! (I seriously think I have a spending problems, so for me to not buy anything is a HUUUUGE deal. *grin*)

Then I did my office hour on first floor. And I think there's something seriously wrong with me. Because I'm the AP and I have NO problem helping other people with their schedules, but me?, no, I can't even figure out what classes to take next semester. How sad is that? I think it may have something to do with me being able to have an outsider perspective for my residents, but when it comes to ME...yah, no clue right now. Sad sad sad. I thought that scheduling was supposed to get easier as you progressed in college? Wassupwiththat?!?!?

After flipping out about scheduling, I did a mad dash to get ready for the dinner with Judy Shepard thingy. Here's me: Ahhh! WhatdoIwearWhatdoIwearWhatdoIwear?!? Finally figure that out, then decide hair looks BAD so have to redo that. And figure out the shoes. And the makeup. And attempt to get organized. And answer a gabillion phone calls. AT THE SAME TIME. Good thing I'm a multi-tasking goddess. Riiiight. Bob called and said he'd be at my door in a minute and I was hopping up and down attempting to put shoes on, spritzing perfume, cramming stuff in my purse, hunting for my celly, and searching for checks all at once. I am soo shocked that I didn't kill myself in that process. hehehe

Dinner at the Casa was really nice. I made some new friends--SWEET! That always makes me happy. Judy was really quiet. I think she was nervous. And I don't think we really knew what to talk to her about. With other performers, it's all informal and fun, but she speaks on a very serious subject, so I didn't really know what to ask without having her tear up or get pissed off. But she was really sweet and appreciative. Bob teared up when she talked about her ring--it's her constant reminder of Matthew. Wow.

And her speech? Sooo powerful. She spoke out on hatred and how we are really all alike. It hit home for me, because that exactly how I feel. She made me feel empowered--like we ALL could change the world. We just have to care. My new mission is to make people care. We're all human, we are all equal, we should all be treated as equals. And it's a HUGE American tragedy that we're not. It really irks me.

What really pissed me off was that there were damned Jesus people downstairs at the UC handing out pamphlets on "how to help homosexuals." How do we help them--according to the retards? "By changing them." BY FUCKING CONVERTING THEM. Grr! That doesn't work. I don't understand how some people can think this because it's not a choice. My friends, my allies, don't CHOOSE to be gay. They don't CHOOSE to be rediculed and mocked and made fun of and purposely put themselves in harms way because they like the same sex. Like anybody asks to be different, to be mocked or anything bad like that. It just doens't make sense.

People are so retarded.

Adam and I wanted to go and beat them up...or at least give them a piece of our minds. Chrissy wouldn't let us because "we need to be the mature ones." Why shouldn't we fight fire with fire?

People can really suck.

But I got to talk to Judy after the lecture. All I wanted to do was give her a hug. And I got to. It was great. And I told her that she is a great inspiration and role model and that I aspire to be an activist like her. And I'm such a goon that as I'm talking to her I just start bawling. Like hard-core. I was just like "thank you so much--" *Braaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaa* I've decided that I have a big bleeding heart and I'm quite the emotional person. (Gee--Me so obvious!)

BUT there's good news in Krissy-World. (Not to completely change the subject. I suck at segues.) Greg Proops from Whose Line is It Anyway and Rendeview is performing at NMU! He agreed! Sweeeeet! NAE's bringing him. Go us!!! And GUESS who's chairing the committee?

Tick tick tick


Can ya tell how pumped I am? Yeah--just a leeeeetle bit.

And it's so funny too, because we had a committee meeting after the regular meeting and we're all standign around and I realize that everybody's looking at me. And it hit me: I'm the one in charge. I'm the one that people are looking to as the leader, the one that knows what's going on. I'm the one who delegates and makes sure the little shit gets done, not the one doing the little shit. (Although I do like doing the little shit.)

And I was SCARED. For like 2.3 seconds I paniced. Had NO IDEA what to do. Then I took a deep breath, looked at the handy little event planning sheet, and it took off. It was awesome. I love it when people are actually psyched and eager and willing to do stuff. It's an amazing feeling. This committee kicks some serious ass.

(Here's an ironic little FYI: Sex God is waaaaay eager to do stuff for this committee. He's really a great member. Yeah--he's back to being a Sex God in some sense. He's a demi-Sex God, but I'm just gonna say SG or whatever I'm used to saying. It was funny cuz he's like "is there anything else I can do?" And I was like "yeeeah"....hehehehehehehe--me so naughty.)

So I'm really psyched about that.

But I need to sleep. Although I'm seriously thinking that the less sleep I get the better I function. Who knows. This may be an on-going experiment.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Jenny from the Block" by JLo(Such a fun song, even though this is only like the 2nd time I've heard it)

Crush du Jour: I'll just say Sex God :p (Girls, don't give me too much flack about this pleeeeease)

Happy Thought of the Moment: meeting Judy Shepard, real Italian food, silly friends, lotsa compliments on the cute hair, my smarty-looking glasses, comfy pj bottoms, yummy italian ice cream (spunici is it?), skipping poetry (shhh--don't tell my residents!), Applebees bonding experiences, John Mayer, MTV, fun office hours, cute earrings, strawberry fruit rollups, good novels, bookstores, Harry Potter, looking cute, being motivated

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