Manic Monday? Not Quite [ October 22, 2002, 1:01 am ]

I hate being sick. I really do. Blaaaah. Guys--just so you know--PMS SUCKS ASS. It is really bad. LIke tonight all I wanted to do was stretch and sleep and be anti-social. Yeah.....that didn't happen. Never leave your door open when you're not feeling well. Cuz people will come in. And be all happy-like when you're not exactly happy. And be pumped when you can't fathom ever being enthusiastic again. And be energetic when you feel waaaay lazy. And have conflicts when you're not feeling up to the task of being brilliant.

But the good news is that Midol is SUCH the godsend. Really. Yay yay yay! Whoever invented this stuff should be worshipped. Really. Life is sooo much better with it.

Today was bo-ring. Nothing interesting really happened. Bummer. Poetry class. Whee. That wasn't even interesting. We discussed poems, prof talked about sex. Same old same old.

Oh--can I just say how much the weather in the UP SUCKS? Cuz it sooo does. What is it? October 21st (well 22nd now)? Yeah--it was fucking SNOWING today. SNOW. Not like little happy cute flakes either. They were monster vendetta-feeling flakes that sting the skin and stick to the ground. There's seriously a snow storm warning going on in Marquette County until like 8 in the morning. Gaaah! Yes, winter has indeed begun.

While this fact doesn't exactly thrill me--cuz I really really despise driving in the snow and ice cuz it is horrific--part of me feels all happy-fuzzy inside. Just don't tell Hannah this cuz I spent all weekend hollering at her cuz she did a happy-happy-joy-joy dance at the thought of snow and snow-boarding. When it comes down to it, I really like snow. Snowball fights, snowmen, snowforts, hot cocoa, snow days. It's all good. I've skiied (how do you spell it?!?). I've been hurt horrendously by skiing, but it was fun until my knee was slightly mangled. A goal of mine is to attempt to snowboard. Winter is fun. It invokes thoughts of sleeping in cuz of snowstorms, catching snowflakes on your tongue, wearing fuzzy mittens and hats, cute snow sculptures, WinterFest, eating icicles, ice skating...I could go on. And there's NO better feeling than curling up under a blanket with a warm cup of coffee or hot cocoa, listening to your favorite music, and flipping through a good book while watching the snowflakes dance outside. It's amazing. Winter is really a lot of fun. I'm really glad that I get to enjoy it. Cuz I'm sure I'd miss it.

What I DON'T love about it is that it's sooo damn long up here. It last at least 5 or 6 months and the pretty white doesnt look so appealing during cabin fever.

And driving?'s a lot better being in Marquette and not in the boondocks of Chassell because the roads are usually clear and ice-free--unlike at home. But still. Driving in snowstorms is scary. It's the one thing I really hate in life.

But I'll survive. I know it. Cold isn't that bad once you get used to it. So, Hannah darling, you are right. Winter is good. And I feel bad that you won't get to experience a whole lot of it once you go into the Navy. *tear*

Excitement of the day: I got the kudos basket! SCORE! Go me! Go me! The Kudos basket is this thing on my staff where each week a staff members gets a basket (durrrh)full of goodies. You get it according to whoever received it last week thinks deserved it. And this week Davide and Spencer think that I was deserving. Which makes my week. I'm soooo beyond psyched. And it was a GOOD basket too: a fun electronic puppy toy, a cute hemp necklace made by Spence, Ramen noodles (mmmmmmm), yogurt-covered raisins. Too too fun. I'm really psyched. *gringringrin*

K, I need to sleep. The words are becoming blurry.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To:"Disease" by Matchbox Twenty (I recently rediscovered them--they're sooo good)

Crush du Jour: JC from NSync

Happy Thought of the Moment: gettin' the kudos basket, goofy moments, fun quotes, HallMark moments ("Oooh! I inspire you?!?"), Leadership class tomorrow (!!!), cute hair, catching snowflakes on your tongues, cute mittens and hats, warm drinks, long phone conversations, Daniel Radcliffe (becoming QUITE the hottie), potential movie nights, Scooby Doo, getting mail, my red lace-up sweater, writing a GOOD poem, "Loose Yourself", Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets out in waay less than a month, cute Halloween costumes, Lilo and Stitch, Boy Meets World, Disney Channel in general,rediscovering cds, cheeseburgers, Midol, fun postcards, unexpected visitors, cute bulletin boards, Drag Show Friday(!!!), the potential of going to dinner with Judy Shepard, no Case Studies class tomorrow, Target trips, sending mail, fun cards, making people happy, Out of Sight (was just watching it on USA tonight--eee!), George Clooney, Sean Biggerstaff, amazing websites,, funny sound clips, the new version of AIM

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