Let's Do the Time Warp....Or Just Warp Myself to Sleep [ October 25, 2002, 11:44 am ]

Lalalalalalaaaa--this is me when I'm running on like NO sleep. At all. Grr.

I meant to sleep last night, I really did. I even got home at a semi-decent hour. But then I got online. Then dearest Joe called. Then Rich and I decided to watch Moulin Rouge. And I can't pass up watching my favorite movie! It's just not right. So ended up in bed by like 3. Yeah...that's about right.

And that wouldn't have been sooo bad except that I needed to be up by 8(ish) because I was supposed to have training for NMU's new "Undeclared" program. But did it happen? Oooh no. And it's NOT cuz of me either! It's cuz of the presenter. "She couldn't make it this morning." (According to the voicemail I got while I was getting ready--grr grr GRR!)


You DON'T have people schedule something, rearrange their schedules and then just drop it half an hour before the presentation is to begin. And you certainly don't make ME drag my ass out of bed at an un-godly hour for no good reason. I was more than willing to do the 9 am meeting. It's part of my job. But when stuff doesn't happen...that's just unprofessional. And sooo inappropriate. And not fair. TO ME.

I'm running on like no sleep right now.

FYI: I'm chilling in the library at the moment. I scheduled 2 more meetings after the undeclared presentation for 10 and noon, so I did work around it, thinking that I'd be bright-eyed and fully awake. Riiiiiiiight. Anyways...so right now I'm just waiting for my SLFP group to get here so we can get our asses in gear. And I've already done some stuff for the Proops-NAE committee today, so at least stuff is getting done. Yay yay yay!!!

Oh--I just want to say that attempting to sleep last night. Yeah, that was hell. First off I was asleep the second that my head hit the pillow, which means I'm sleep-deprived (duuuuuuh). Then I was woken up like 10 minutes later because of the guys above me. I have no clue what the fuck they were doing but it involved thumping and rolling and marbles and clunking. I don't even want to know. And it was also quite the drunken night for residents. It was bad. They were quiet for the most part but I went into the hallway and found some dude from 1st floor curled up in the fetal position right in the middle of the hallway. I got him up and he's all "where am I? Oooh I am on the wrooooooooooong floooorrrrrrr. Bytheway--nononoooo I can walk I ok Iknowpeoplesupherrrre--I like yourrrr haircut. The blondy-orangy-ishy-red is quiiiite '00's." He wouldn't let me escort him downstairs. I hope he made it to his room. (By the way--does anyone know what "00's" means? I'm assuming it's a ocmpliment, but who knows. He was drunk.)

That's not even the end of hellish-trying-to-sleep-night. Ooh no. My stomach decided that it doesn't like Border Grill food anymore. So it was twisting all night. And then some drunken morons decided to go on a little rowdy hunt for dry-erase markers. THEY WERE FUCKING LOUD. It was baaad. I nearly caught them, but when they heard that I was opening the door, they screamed some foreign-sounding words and dashed up the stairs. Amusing.

Can I just say that I'm not so impressed with anything right now?

So, yeah, last night was amusing.

Before all this hellish-type of stuff happened, though, I had a hell of a time at the Rocky Horror Show. It was sooo great. Last year when I went I didn't dress up because I didn't realize that you should. And I didn't realize you get to scream at the characters. Yeah, so I was prepared this year.

I looked like such a hottie! First off, my hair was a work of art. I'm enjoying the whole choppy-disheveled I-rolled-out-of-bed-and-it-stills-looks-cute deal that my hair has now that it's only like 6 inches long at the most. But last night, it was the epitome of cuteness. At least I think. I had 5 (F-I-V-E) different products in it:gel, pomade, separator, hair spray, and wax. Plus glitter. Ya didn't want to touch my hair--believe me. But it looked goooooood.

And I was wearing my sluttiest skirt. Which isn't all that slutty, but it you hike it a little, wear turquoise fishnets, and really skanky heel-y shoes, it looks slutty. Kick in a lacy semi-racy sleeveless shirt and makeup that rivals a Vegas showgirl (gold glitter on the lids, deep red lipstick, and ultra-long lashes)--I was ready for Rocky.

It was a lot of fun. The audience wasn't as into it this year as when I went last year, but Nick and I were yelling stuff. Uuuhhh...and I never want to see rice again. Some girl must've had buckets of it because she just kept throwing it. And a lot of it just landed in my shirt. When I got home I realized a lot more landed in my hair. And stuck there cuz of the damn hair products. My bad. *grin*

I love Rocky Horror. I finally realized last night that really there is no plot to this thing. I figured out that they really are just spoofing on Sci-Fi movies. Hehehe--that's pretty funny. I just like the whole aspect of the gay community, that they can relate to it and that so many of my gay friends love it. And the guy who played Frank-N-Furter? OhmyGod! First of all he has a fabulous ass. Secondly, I give him mad props because he had the guts to parade around in corsets, fishnets and stilletos. He's now a hero.

Oh...I just need to say that the guy who played Rocky was absolutely adorable. He was a little punker kid. He's still in high school. He's sooooooooo cute. He had a cute ass too. Nick and I were just all "awww!" about him. Sooo cute. And I gotta give him props too cuz he just runs around in little tight gold lame shorts the whole show--he's just a sex object basically. ADORABLE.

Alright, I'm not seeing any of my group members here yet. And they were supposed to be here like half an hour ago. I am thinking they're not showing up. Which is fine with me. I'll just go and take a nap. Hehehe

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: 32 Flavors by Alana Davis (I just like her version better for some reason...probably because this is the one I heard on the radio in high school)

Crush du Jour:Daniel Radcliffe (ooohh--WalMart had anew poster of him--he's just sooo cute!) and Rocky (So I'm going for the jailbait today--so shoot me! *grin*)

Happy Thought of the Moment:good hair, buffalo wings, skanking it up, screaming at the actors in Rocky, the potential for a nap, nice fall days (yes, today counts!), glitter!!!, jailbait, my new Harry poster, WalMart photo shoots, my wonderful boss, Border Grill, talking to friends I haven't talked to in forever, Rocky Horror, fishnets, the potential for something to do on Halloween (yaaaay! I may not be a lonely loser!), Halloween movie fest tomorrow, the drag show tonight, drag queens, talking with drag queens (if you've never done this, just go up and talk to one--it'll be the funniest conversation ever!), cute shoes, motivating people, caramel apples, new friends, getting stuff done,crossin' stuff off of my "to do" list, hangin' out with residents, "don't cry" by Seal, Moulin Rouge, wireless internet (a godsend), not being completely computer retarded, nice help desk workers (and NO, this does NOT include Sam-the-Ass), the cute guy sitting across from me looking all broody-hot, meeting with my mentor, pumpkins, making my mommy happy

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