Scared to Death due to The Ring [ October 27, 2002, 12:25 pm ]

Fuckin-A, I am never EVER going to see another damn scary movie AGAIN as long as I live. Ever....ever.....EVER

So I'd heard that The Ring was a really scary movie from a bunch of people. Adam LOVED it. Joe was scared shitless. And he told me the plot. I didn't think that it was going to be that bad. But I really didn't want to see it either. I'd seen the commercials and was a little disturbed by the cinematography and images. It just looked creepy-weird. And I loathe scary movies for the most part because I am not the biggest fan of screaming in front of a couple hundred people.

But it was Sierra's birthday yesterday (Happy Birthday sweetie!) and she wanted to go and see it as part of her celebration. And although I hate scary movies I decided to be a big girl and suck it up and go and see it with her and her family.


I've never had a movie fuck with my mind so much. Grr. And the sad part was that Joe had told me the plot of it the week before. So I knew what was going to happen.

So I'm sitting there thinking "this isn't too bad." There were some parts that made me jump--like when they found the teenager scared to death and she was all gross or when there was that bug on those papers that the reporter was looking through. Like the usual stuff that'll make you scared. NORMAL SHIT.

And they figure out the whole mystery of the creepy little girl and the well and fucked up family and everything. (I'm sorry if you think I'm giving any of this away--you don't want to see this movie anyway, believe me.)

So I'm thinking that this isn't so damn scary after all and that all my friends are huge wusses. But it doesn't end. Me and Sierra both thought that it was going to have a cute cliched ending. But it kept going. And the very end....

OHMYGOD!!!! Scared me soooo bad.

*Warning: I'm about the ruin the movie for y'all so if you want to see it then don't read the rest of this.*

First off, the reporter's child creeped me out. I'm thinking that it's the freaky girl incarnated. And I still hold to that.

Oh--and I have to throw this in there too, because this really pisses me off. The creepy freaky devil-girl Samara? Yeah, I was joking that she sounds like Lilo in Lilo and Stitch. SHE IS. I checked on And she voices her. The last thing I need is to associate one of my favorite Disney movies with the one movie that will make me want to whimper in fear whenever I think of it. Grrr. Damn the cast people!!!

Anyways...I don't get the movie still. Besides the fact that the end leaves you hanging and scared shitless, I don't get the little girl. Why she's suffering and why she's having these visions and making all those around her suffer. ANd how the video got made. Just all this shit is floating around your head...or at least my you leave. And the more you think about it, the more you're scared.

I was so freaked out by the time I got back to the dorms. I made them drop me off right by Hunt and had them watch me walk into the building. A couple of people asked if I wanted them to walk with me.

I ended up hanging out with residents and my boss for like 2 hours just to calm myself down. I was sooo scared. And I hated the fact (for the first time in my life)that I had a room to myself. I seriously wanted to have somebody spend the night on my couch just so I had the comfort of another person there, just in case. I seriously considered actually sleeping in my boss's guest bedroom.

I'm such a wuss.

I guess it's cuz of my own stupidity that I brought this on. Here's me: oh I know the plot, it won't be scary.


Lesson to all my friends: the next time any of you ask me to watch a scary movie, be prepared to have me sleeping in your room or calling you in the middle of the night if I have nightmares.

I'm actually surprised that I didn't have any bad dreams. Wow.

I'm still pretty shaken up about this whole damn movie. Gaah gah gah. I went to talk to my friend Katie after I got back and as we're talking the phone rings. I screamed and nearly had a heart attack. (Phone calls play an integral part of the movie.) It wasn't even my own phone.

I was afraid to answer my own phone when I got up to my room. And I KNOW somebody's trying to fuck with my emotions because when I checked my voicemail once I worked up the courage to go up to my room. The first message didn't even come until 11:54 pm--about the time that I returned from the show. And it was just some heavy breathing and I think something said that I didn't quite understand.


Not impressive. How cool to play on a vulnerable person's emotions. I wasn't impressed.

It worked. So if one of you guys is trying to scare me--IT WORKED. But only cuz The Ring got to me first. So don't go congratulating yourself too much.

Na na na

I have a lot more on my mind right now: the drag show, mentoring, stress, Jackass, dinners....

Yeah, but I needed to freak out once more about the damn movie. I'll talk about the rest later cuz I'd like to jump in the shower.

To wrap up: The Ring scared the shit out of me, I'm never having children in fear it'd be the spawn of Satan, and I'll never look at Lilo and Stitch the same again. (GRRRRRRR)

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "On a High" by Duncan Shiek (Still my theme song--it's gettin' kinda weird how happy I've been these past 4 weeks)

Crush du Jour:Johnny Knoxville and the hottie workin' coat check at Upfront last night (mmmm)

Happy Thought of the Moment:hot showers, coconut soap bars, the above-mentioned hotties, "Harder to Breathe"--my new song I'm obsessed with, Harry Potter, any happy movie, The Weekenders cartoon, silly beach movies (Beach Blanket Bingo Em!!!), long talks with my mom, lunching with people I barely get to hang out with, dinners out, good food, cuddling under my blanket, happy dreams, fun pix, one-hour developing, being responsible, drag queens, seeing tons of my friends in one place, me not being the one to make an ass of myself (Christy knows what I'm talkin' bout!), caramel apples, sleeping in, getting an extra hour of sleep due to Daylight Savings Time (BONUS!!)

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