YAY! Much better! *GRIN* [ May 22, 2002, 11:18 am ]

All hail Goddess KiKi for she feels sooooo much better today. YAY! I actually ate one of the bars I was whimpering about yesterday. Mmmmm. Pure heaven. I'm very happy now. :D

I wish I could say the same for my mom...she's been feeling sick for a week now. She went to the doctor yesterday because she keeps having stomach-aches. He thinks that it's food poisoning. From one of our favorite restaurants. Waaah! I'm sad. So I was supposed to run her back to the doctor today with one of her.....ummm...samples...yeah. Except that she hasn't.....ummmm......pooped at all today. So I woke up early for nothing. =/ Not too thrilled about that. But I can tell Mom's in agony so I'll suck it up. Poor her.

I can't think of anything else to talk about right now. Weird. Usually I'm bursting with stuff to day. Perhaps its cuz I'm slightly sleepy still and bombarded with a headache. If this is what a hangover feels like I don't think I"ll ever drink...

I'm gonna go in hunt of a survey or list or something to stick on here. HEhehehe. Be afraid. Until next time...

Ciao, dahling!


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