Yet Another Survey [ May 23, 2002, 8:31 pm ]

I'm online...kinda bored. That shouldn't be happening right? Well...I am talking to Bob--when he actually responds to me. So yeah. Congrats to him for finding Mr. Wonderful. I'm waaay psyched for him. *grin*

I found another fabulous survey. And since I'm bored I'm posting it. Hehe


1.What time is it? 8:30 pm--Friends just ended =(

2.What is your name? Krissy aka KiKi

3.What is your birthday? July 28, 1982

4.How many sibs do you have? 1 sis-tah

5.What are your sibs names? Katy aka Pookie

6.Do you have a job? Yup

7.If yes, where? Waitress at the Backroad Cafe and intern at WMPL/WKMJ radio

8.If no to #5, Where do you wanna work? N/A

9.Do you have a car? Yup

10.What kinda car do you have/want? 1988 Pontiac Grand Am--Lancelot the BEST car EVER


11.Movie: Ultimately? Gotta be Moulin Rouge

12.Song: One Week by BNL (Theme song) or Crush by DMB

13.Band: NSYNC!!

14.Group: Isn't that the same as 14? I'll say DMB or Sugar Ray

15.Singer: Oohh-John Mayer at the moment. I'm in love with his cd!

16.TV Show: Friends or SNL

17.TV Channel: Disney, MTV or Comedy Central

18.Actor: Ewan McGregor or John Cusack

19.Actress: Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts

20.Comic: Ewww! None thank you

21.Magazine: COSMO! or YM and Seventeen

22.Food: Chinese Mmm....Crab rangoons

23.Snack: Popcorn or anything chocolate

24.Drink: Pepsi, water, or Strawberry Crush...or yummy daquairis!!!

25.CD-ROM Game: Not a fan of them...even though I have the craptop

26.Board Game: Oooh! With Em Taboo! We kick ASS with that game and our stupid inside jokes...or else Clue or Sorry

27.Card Game: Poker--even though I can't keep a straight face to save my soul

28.Kid Game: Capture the Flag!!!

29.Number: 3 and 7

30.Cartoon: Ummm....Ooh! The Proud Family! Or PowerPuff Girls

31.Character: Suga-Mama right now.

32.Disney Character: Tinkerbell and Pumbaa

33.Color: Purple right now

34.Hair Color: I still want Run Lola Run Red!!!

35.Time of the day: Dusk to late evening with the stars and colors and moon

36.Day of the week: Anytime when I can celebrate the weekend

37.Week of the month: ?? The beginning when I read my horoscopes and look forward to the coming predictions and events

38.Month of the Year: JULY!!! Or Aug/Sept when I go back to NMU


39.Do you plan on having children: Nooo!

40.Do you want to get married: Eventually

41.How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: Not having kids thankyouverymuch

42.How old do you wanna be when your married: mid to late 20s or 30s...doesn't matter too much

43.Would you have kids before marriage? NEVER

44.What would you name the boy? I like Shane or Dakota

45.What would you name the girl? Madeliene or Elise

46.Are you a virgin?: Oh yes

47.If so, Do you plan on losing your virginity ne time soon?: Lol.....I hope not! *grin* But it's really nobody's business...

48.Have you had oral sex?: Nope

49.Have you been past base 1?: Hmmm

50.Do you even know what the bases are?: Yes!

51.Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): nope

52.Do you have a crush?: Oh yes *blush* *grin*


53.Music/TV: BOTH! I'm gonna rule MTV 54.Guys/Girls: I hang out with both sexes...but guys are so damn cute I just cant help myself!

55.Green/Blue: Blue

56.Pink/Purple: Purple

57.Sleep/StayUp: Sleeeeep

58.Summer/Winter: Summer

59.Spring/Fall: Fall

60.Night/Day: Night

61.Hangin Out/Chillin: Chilling when I'm just being by myself, hanging out is with my friends

62.Friends/Lovers: friends

63.Cold/Warm: Warm

64.Fast/Slow: Fast--I enjoy speeding

65.New/Old: New

66.Dark/Light: Dark

67.Sparkle/Shine: I shine baby!

68.Peach/Plum: Mmm...plums...I have fond childhood memories of them

69.Apple/Orange: Orange

70.Laundry/Dishes: Laundry...even though I'm infamous for turning my whites blue (I don't know how!!!)

71..Christina/Britney: BRITNEYYYY!72.Limp Bizkit/KoRn: Linkin Park

73.Rock/Rap: Rock

74.Pop/R&B: Pop


75.Glass: stain glass windows

76.Shake: your ASS!

77.Club: DANCE!! Eeee

78.Sing: Karaoke

79.Loud: Oh that's me!

80.Garcia: Andy from Ocean's 11!

81.Hair: good hair day (me today)

82.Ching: Mulan for some reason...

83.Money: Yes please!

84.Work: Ugh--gotta do that tomorrow morning =/

85.Play: Oooh...playground and merry-go-roung

86.4002: future

87.Betty: Veronica

88.Sara: Em's sister Sara--she cool

89.Dog: Bella!

90.Brain: Pinky

91.Nick: BSB (eeeww)

92.Frank: and Louie (from the Bud commercials)

93.AM: too early

94.FM: 93.5--the station I'm interning at

95.PM: when I usually wake up

96.Morning: sunshine

97.Ball: beach!


98.Eminem: talented but I don't respect his opinions Ugh

99.Rap: Gangster rap is fun to dance to with my girls! But I don't like how girls are just objects to be fucked and owned. I am NOT an object thankyouverymuch!!!

100.Teenagers: Fun, but I'm ready to be out of my's a time to learn and grow and be...all of which I've done.

101.Smoking: Nicottine can be good, but I really do find it disgusting

102.Death: Scarily unknown

103.Life: Soo much fun...enjoy it to the limit!

104.Drinking: I personally don't drink but I don't condemn those who do

105.Bomb Threats: Huh? Way scary

106.Murder: AHH! Too scary

107.Suicide: Tragedy. I can't believe that some people think their lives are so terrible that they're rather just die.

108.Fear: Umm...yeah I fear rejection, heights and spiders


109.Who is your best friend?: Emily is my BFF (how teeny-bopperish of me to say that!)

110.Who is the best person to hang with?: Any of my friends. They're all fun!

111.Who is the sweetest person?: Megan

112.Whos the cutest person: They're all cute in their own way

113.Whos the nicest?: All of 'em

114.Whos the best to talk online with?: Hmmm....Em or Jon

115.Whos the most blonde: Megan or Sierra

116.Whos the weirdest: No idea

117.Whos the craziest: Christy or Hannah

118.Loudest: Megan!

119.Quietest: None of my friends are quiet!

120.Smartest: Heather

121.Quickest: ??

123.Most Trustful: Megan or Christy

124.Most Honest: They all are!

125.Most Cheerful: Melissa or Sierra


126.Are you glad it's almost done?'s kinda long

127.Are you bored? Nope--this is keeping me from being bored!

128.What kinda mood are you in right now? Content...bordering on giddy

129.Did you have a good day today? Oh yes

130.What are you doing tomorrow: Working at the crack of dawn..then going back to sleep..then hunting for pudding pops

131.What did you do today?: Went shopping with mom, watched soaps, talked to friends and slept a lot

The end!! Doncha feel like you know me better now? Hehe! Ciao, dahling!


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