KiKi's Summer Movie Review (Thus Far) [ July 10, 2003, 11:27 am ]

Just so you all know, it's NOT a good idea to attempt to wake up in the morning really really early if you've only fallen asleep a mere 3 and a half hours earlier. NOT a good idea at all.

Yup, running on 3 and a half hours of sleep. And I think I'm actually doing a pretty good job of pretending to be awake and alert considering. Go me--I am an Acting Goddess.

Em and I went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean last night. A late show-- 10 pm. And it's over 2 hours. Meaning I didn't get home till after 12:30. Gaah. And of course I didn't want to go to sleep right away. I was too energetic just leap into bed and expect to fall asleep. So I read for a bit. Then realized it was almost 1:30, so I forced myself to turn off the light. Umm...just cuz the light is out doesn't mean that you're gonna fall asleep.

Here's a glimpse of what was runnin' through my head last night:

Good GOD I need to sleep. sleeep. Oh lord, I move in less than 4 weeks. Packing--ugh. Projects--gah. Mel's project going good. need to sleep. can't sleep, not tired. movie was good. God, Orlando is so gorgeous--thank you God for beautiful guys like him. How should I decorate my room in the hall this year. Hmm...move stuff? posters? hmm...SLEEP.

It went like that until 3 am, when I finally drifted off to sleep. But then my charming neighbors downstairs decided to play music LOUDLY at 3:35ish. Grrrrr. I have no idea what the fuck they were listening to, but at 3:30 am, everything sounds like shit. Courtesy, people!

So KiKi is tired today. Boo. Thank God for naps. That's all I have to say. haha. I'm gonna be crashing as soon as I step in the door today. Mmmmhmm.

Pirates though--THAT was an absolutely fabulous film. I'm soooo glad that Em hyped it up for me. Me being excited made the movie that much better. It's a great movie. I was kind of bummed when I saw how long it was supposed to be--2 and a half hours--but I found myself not wanting it to end. The way that it was filmed, the acting, the actors, the plot, the costumes, the dueling scenes, the special effects--it was all amazing. Blockbuster written all over it. Soooo good. Johnny Depp was so great in it--Jack Sparrow is a hilarious, deep character--lots of layers, even if you don't recognize it at first. He's so freakin' hilarious. And Orlando's just gorgeous. And a good actor to boot. God i'm in love with him. (Curses to Kate what's-her-name from Blue Crush--whyyy does he have to be going out with her?!? GRR!0

Yeah Pirate's is definitely in my top 3 summer movies so far. Here's a rundown of all that I've seen, and liked this summer so far:

~Lizzie McGuire--durrh, we all knew I'd love this. I'm psyched it comes out at the begining of August. Hurrah!

~X2: sooo freakin' good. I am now an X-Man convert. Yay for amazing sequels!

~Matrix ReLoaded: Amazing. Hats off to the people doing this trilogy for making me think and re-evaluate my philosophies and beliefs.

~Bruce AlMighty: one of Jim Carrey's best. I almost forgot that I saw this until I looked on My bad. Really funny. Not the best, but a good summer comedy. This, also made me think about my beliefs and views on life. I can't believe I just said a Jim Carey movie made me think about the meaning of life.

~Finding Nemo: by far the cutest movie of the summer. Second in favorites only to Charlies Angels 2. This is so hilarious. I've seen it twice and wanna see it again. I adore Dory! Hehe. Squishy!

~Bend It Like Beckham: thank god for Independent/Overseas movies. They actually still have plots. This is so great. Intriguing, funny, poignant--it's like a hallmark card. and the main guy is really cute.

~Alex and Emma: good summer movie. cute, but weak plot. Not one of the best I've seen, but it's a cute little chick flick

~From Justin to Kelly: a LOT better than I thought it'd be. It's fun. it's summer, it's a musical. I really liked it. hehe

~Charlie's Angels 2: my FAVORITE movie of the summer. I just love fun, goofy movies. The Angels are my heroes. I've talked about them enough before though, so I'll spare you all.

~Legally Blonde 2: honestly, this was the biggest let-down for me. Not NEARLY as good as the first. One of the only movies I don't want to see again. Probably one of my least favorite movies of the summer. Sorry, Elle.

Aight, I gotta go and run and do some hard-core work. Gaah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera--My theme song! Wooohooo!

Crush du Jour:Orlando Bloom and that Tyce hottie from Fame

Happy Thought of the Moment: happy summer movies, CA2 poster, shopping with Mel, new sparkly long scarf, new cheap purse, SoBe drinks, theme songs, Pirates, Orlando Bloom, hotties on campus, being done with orientation stuff, camera, icy cold water, naps, inspiring people, glass--eye, good reads, flip flops, cute jeans, good hair days, almost 21, hugs, sun, rainy days, goofy staff, BollyWood music, 80s mixes

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