Project Glass--Eye [ July 10, 2003, 11:40 pm ]

I'm quite proud of myself. I'm going home in the morning and I told myself that I HAD to clean the apartment before I left. Woohooo! Casa de KiKi is now sparkling. I even mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors. People who've seen the hurricane mess before wouldn't even recognize it now. Even the garbage has been taken out. Niiiiice.

So yeah--I'm homeward bound in the morning. Sweet. I can't wait to go. It's been a couple of months. And mom misses me. And Katy wants to take me out for breakfast. And I wanna take Mom to see Charlies Angels 2, since she adored the first one so much. (Which REALLY surprised me. I thought she'd be kvetching the whole time about how sexually gross it was and how un-necessary some of the scenes were. But she loves this movie. Whoa. Sometimes I think I'm living in a parallel universe.)

So I have a new summer project. Ok, so really my amazing writer friend Melissa has a summer project and I've kind of leached unto it to help us both out. Melissa wants to self-publish a book of her fictional short-stories, so she can have her works floating around the universe. Plus it'd look hella good on her survey.

With some encouragement and motivation from me and her boyfriend (Alan--she swears he's the most amazing guy ever. *sigh* At least she's found her Prince Charming.) she's decided to actually do it.

And I'm her PR person. Hehehe. I threw a bunch of ideas for flyers and business cards and promotions out at her and she got psyched.

And Project Glass--Eye was born.

Check out the link to your right. Mel's an amazing writer, she totally rocks at fiction. So we started a Diaryland site to spread the gospel of her writing. You know--garnish some attention, start a buzz, whet the appetites of the hungry hoardes of literary savants out there.

Our goal is to publish her book by the end of August. And by publish we pretty much just mean make a bunch of copies of her stories, format it into book form, print off sweet lookin' covers at Office Max and then sell them for a few bucks.

We're at the "buzz" stage right now. We're gonna run around and post flyers and hand out cards with the website on them to a bunch of people. We're gonna talk it up to businesses and see if maybe they'll support us.

This started off as a daydream of Mel's and now we're really doing it.

I cannot explain what a thrill this is. People are excited. We're sending press kits to people in Boston and New York. We got a small buzz started around campus. We're hoping to get a couple of English profs backing this.

I feel good just doing something to help out such a good friend.

Ahh. It's kind of like a dream. It's a PR campaign of sorts for me.

And it's so fun.

Check out the site. Add it to your favorites if you like it. Read, enjoy. Buy the book once it's publish. Help a couple of fierce chicks out.


Aight, I'm gonna get to bed. Mwah!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: JackAss on MTV

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of the Moment: worthwhile projects, fun fiction, cleeean apartment, new magazines, going home tomorrow, new camera, talking to Joe, small celly bill (oooh--there's a story for my next entry--GRR), Stitch, good guys' abs, bamboo, London-y days, "quiet contests" at work, laughing till your stomach hurts, Johnny Knoxville, 80s mixes, wandering around bookstores, cuties in Taco Bell, presents

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