Office Space-Cadet [ July 17, 2003, 3:14 pm ]

I can't stop playing with my nosering. It's really bad. I'm like a little kid who keeps tottering over to the edge of a canyon--I keep pulling it out a little more, then a little more....before you know it, it's gonna just freakin' fall out on me. This is a sure sign that I need to change it. Except I do'nt wanna do it myself cuz my luck I'll fuck it up and the hole will close, and then I'll just be all pissy-like for a looong time. So I actually have to go to the piercer to change it for me. Which requires energy and time--neither of which I have at the moment.

(For the record, I almost spelled sure, pissy, fuck, energy and time wrong in that ONE paragraph. Typos abound. Except I'm fixing them as I go. Cuz I'm a perfectionist. A hella tired perfectionist. Gaah.)

I'm pretending to work. Audrey made me stuff envelopes for like 2 hours in a row, so now I'm like a walking zombie. I finally stopped doing the stuffing when I saw the state of the in-baskets. So I hollered that I needed to do this more pressing task. Haha. And then I come and type in here. Am I good or what?

And now I've started to do my pile of stuff and I get baffled by the second document. Gaah. Is today over yet?

I've gotten a LOT done today, so I'm feeling quite the overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Lala--go me. The reason I've done so much is probably cuz Julia Gulia's sick (waaah!), so I can't really slack off without my bosses knowing. But it's all good. I'm not bored at least. Yay!

I think it's be-nice-to-Krissy day. Everyone in my office is always really nice, but today it's like they're being really really sweet. I'm trying to figure out why. The theory I've come up with is that they're realizing I'm only gonna be here for like 2 more weeks, and they're gonna miss me, so they're gonna be nice to me so maybe I won't go. The theory works. I'm enjoying this nice-tide I'm riding. Lala.

So Brett and I rented Old School last night. I had said before that I would never see this movie cuz I heard it was raunchy and biggoted and really really bad. Umm...I've learned my lesson. I'm NEVER listening to reviews again, I'll make my mind up for myself, thankyouverymuch. I LOVED the movie. It was kinda raunchy and totally a guy movie, but it was so fucking hilarious. I was laughing so hard by the end that my stomach hurt. THAT doesn't happen very often. If you like dumb comedies, this is definitely for you. (Note to all the prudes/feminists/closed-minded people out there: don't be put off by the DVD menu with the topless chicks. That's the only time girls are topless in the movie, thank God.)

It's almost the weekend for me. Only one little tiny hour stands between me and over 72 hours of happy free time. And I WILL do somethign with my weekend. Nothing exciting, but still. Stuff that I need/want to do.

Goals for Weekend:

~Laundry (hasn't been done in--ugh--3 weeks. That's when you know you have a big wardrobe--when you can go for 3 weeks without noticing that you're missing a certain shirt of pair of pants.)

~Clear out closet: I have a ton of clothes I NEVER wear, so I'm gonna play clothes eviction and figure out what to donate to GoodWill.

~Scrapbook: I'd like to finish documenting this year sometime before I move back.

~Finish the Nanny Diaries: it's addicting, so I'm hoping I can devour it this weekend. It's sooo good, but I never have time to just READ it.

~Grocery shop: I have cheese and bagels in my kitchen. That's IT.

~Find a new paper journal: I gotta get back into that. Just cuz I don't feel like listing all my goals and obsessions in here. No worries, I'll still be faithful to this, I just like to have my thoughts organized on paper. It feels like I've done something then. Yeah...

K, this imaging stack is massive. Grr. I gotta go dive into it.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Butterfly" by Crazy Town (WHICH, btw, I discovered earlier this summer I know all the words too--go me!)

Crush du Jour: John Mayer, Pete Yorn

Happy Thought of the Moment: payday (!!!), cuties on campus, Border Grille with Audrey, polo shirts, getting shiznit done, cute pix, bonding time with Brett, cool nights, sarongs, sleeping like a baby, discovering you can type on the number keyboard (woohooo!), bday plans, goofy voicemails, riding the elevators, posh bathrooms, strawberry swirl ice cream, Snood, red pens, naps, Old school, movie debates, back to the dorms in 2 weeks (!!!)

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