Start a Revolution... [ July 18, 2003, 12:03 pm ]

Sooo I'm watching Making the Band II--yeah yeah, I'm a loser like that. Haha. It's like a ghetto Real World. It's freakin' hilarious. I started watching when one girl freaked out cuz her weave wasn't done. She was freaking out to the point where she was ready to just leave. It was too funny. Ghetto-ness abounds.

I've decided that Puff Daddy is a complete ass. I read my friend's online journal, where she was saying he was a cock, but I was like "he can't be that bad." Oooh he is. He's a complete ass. And he's only been on the show for like 5 minutes of what I've been watching. He's a cock. He told this one girl that she was getting fat--she's like a size 4 at most. It's disgusting. If there was a way for me to have jumped INTO the tv, Mr. Diddy wouldn't have balls right now.

I hate people like that. WHY does it matter if a girl looks normal? Noone in the real world is a size 0. Only a few choice people are under a size 6, really. I still don't understand society's obssession with being a stick.

And yes, I even get bouts of insecurity. Which is why I'm attempting to eat right and swear off pop. (The pop thing is actually semi-successful, I've nearly given it up...except when I sense Cherry Coke is near at the theater. Hehe.) But I'm not about to stop eating cheesecake and Chinese food because some closed-minded guys decided that gorgeous means size 2. It's sick.

And I hate it. I'd rather be curvacious, bootylicious, a bit pudgy if it means that I'm enjoying all the tastes of life.

And I guess I'm having a hard time figuring out why other girls aren't like that. Why some people feel like they'll never be complete unless they're under 120 pounds. I can't figure out why some women consider losing 15 pounds is their greatest accomplishment in life.

Wait--my bad--I know exactly why. It's American society. And it's sick. It's disgusting. And frankly, I'm sick of it.

I want to start a revolution. Be proud of who you are, what you look like--whether you're 120 pounds or 220 pounds. There's more to life than appearance.

And once people realize that, you'll be free.

I wish more people thought like that. Cuz then girls wouldn't walk around checking out other girls' asses and comparing and becoming insecure.

If there's no insecurity, then we'd be on our way to being empowered. And how fabulous would that be.

Something to ponder, to say the least....

Aight, I'm sick of Diddy's stank-ass attitude. I gotta shower and get ready to greet the day.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Makin' The Band II....still...unfortunately

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom (JOE!!!)

Happy Thought of the Moment: "How to Deal" with the girls tonight, minimized wardrobe, space in closet, new clothes, feeling empowered, cold water, Chinese food with Em and her mom, Even Stevens movie, midnight drives, silly voicemails, getting mail, doughnuts, fortune cookies, pink octopus, interesting online reading, Chicago movie soundtrack, new nosering

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