Let it Snow? [ November 08, 2004, 12:19 pm ]

I woke up this morning all groggy-like and freakin' cold. I thought "what the fuck" and kicked back the shades with my foot (since my bed is right under the window I can do that--a nice perk). What did I see? Snow. And not just happy dancing snowflakes, but accumulation.


So, yes, granted it did take a while for the snow to come. Usually there's half an inch on the ground for trick-or-treaters. So it's late in that respect. And while part of me wanted to just curl up under my warm comforter, another part of me wanted to rejoice. This means breaking out the peacoat and the multiple scarves I own and all the cute mittens. And the sweaters! The sweater whore can once again reign supreme. Huzzah!

Plus--if this snow sticks around for 24 hours, everyone at NMU knows what that means. Brule' run, baby. Or as I like to call it, ten cold but solid minutes of sheer entertainment. Its so fuckin' hilarious to watch freshman boys run around buck-naked. Oh man. I better enjoy it since this'll be the last time I get to see this fine tradition. *tear*

I scheduled my final classes yesterday. Can we say slacker schedule? Seriously. I have class on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11 to 1 and 3 to 5. And one class on Tuesdays at 11. That's IT. Wooo! I have four day weekends! I credit it all to taking an online English class--which I'm taking with Co, nonetheless. That'll be entertaining at the very least.

It should be an interesting semester: Carribbean literature, intro to film (movie watching--WOO!) and public address. Not the most challenging of semesters, but I think it's a good way to end my college career. John Frick was making fun of me last night. "Shouldn't a senior be taking above 100-level classes?" Um, yeah, except for when you're a super-senior and you've taken everything required of you. Have fun, I say.

I finally checked my last test score for Geography. I got higher than any other test! ...by 2%. Dammit. My prof was right. I have hit a ceiling. And I really don't know how to break through because I actually studied for this one. Like, a lot. Not nights on end or anything, but I felt like I actually knew the material. Sigh. I guess I should start reading the next chapters now.

Damn it's cold in the lobby. That's a first.

Ciao, dahling!


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