And you'll like it [ November 10, 2004, 7:20 pm ]

I'm feeling uncreative lately. Listless. Sorry for lack of updates. It's been a little cra-zay gettin' ready for Cosby--only two days. *squee*

It still blows my mind that one of the people that I looked up to when I was young is going to be on NMU's campus in a couple of days. Crazy.

Oh--and it's my mom's bday today. Hurrah. So happy birthday to the woman who gave birth to me!

Since I'm feeling uncreative, you'll get a quizzie/meme thingy. And you'll like it. I got it from my sister's site.

1. Spell your first name backwards: yssirK

2. The story behind your user name: I think I'm a goddess (hell, I think all women are goddesses...yes, even the bitchy ones), one of my nicknames is KiKi--voila

3. How old are you: 22

4. Where do you live: Marquette, Michigan


5. Wallet - small, plastic-y black with bright pink stitching

6. Hairbrush - I don't use one and haven't since I chopped my hair off over two years ago. Although I do use a massive comb after I shower.

7. Toothbrush - white with purple grips

8. Jewelry worn daily - the silver pearl ring, the silver celtic knot ring, the star pendant, my nose-stud (star!) and usually hoopy/dangly earrings

(where's number nine?)

10. Pillow cover - leopard print...because deep down I'm really a porn star

11. Blanket - I've had the same dark pastel plaid comforter since I began college. I love it even though it's falling apart.

12. Coffee cup - Oooh! I painted a couple of latte' mugs that I think kick ass. I also painted this really fat rounded mug dark purple with white dripping from the mouth of it. It rocks. I love it.

13. Sunglasses - currently, the diva-esque shades that I got from NY & Company because I look good in them and because they have rhinestones on them.

14.Favorite shirt - I really adore my black sweaters. My favorite shirt of all time, though, is the black Everclear shirt I got at their concert my freshman year--it says Disco Still Sucks on it. Fabulous.

15. Cologne/Perfume - I adore BCBG Metro and Givenchy's Very Irresistable. I'm also really liking the new Ralph Lauren Style perfume, if only for the fact that it reminds me of New York.

16. CD in stereo right now - the Moulin Rouge 2 soundtrack, Rent soundtrack, John Mayer's Heavier Things and I've been rotating a lot of Ben Folds lately

(Where's #17???)

18. What you are wearing now - a comfy pair of jeans and an old, but favorite blue sweater of mine.

19. In my head - Nelly's "Tilt Ya Head"--I blame my sister, she was bumping it today in her car.

20. Wishing - for fall to stick around a bit longer; to scrapbook my NYC experience; to see my mom

21. After this - heading to Starbucks for much-needed caffeine, then to NAE to figure out last minute details for Cosby.

22. If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason - honestly, anyone that voted for Bush. Stupid hick mother-fuckers.

23. Person you wish you could see right now - I've been missing my Joe a lot lately. I also miss hanging out with Brett and my other friends I got to spend all summer with--stupid busy semester.

(where's #24? Katy, this survey is dumb.)

25.Some of your favorite movies - Moulin Rouge, Serendipity, Lilo and Stitch, Ocean's 11, Empire Records

26. Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month- Cosby! And Thanksgiving dinner--MMM!

27. The last thing you ate - a bowl of Frosted Flakes

28. Something that you are deathly afraid of - get that fucking spider away from me NOW. Or I will go kung-fu on your ass. No joke.

29. Do you like candles - ADORE candles, thank you.

30. Do you like incense - not as much as candles.

31. Do you like the taste of blood - last I checked, I wasn't a vampire, so, um, no.

32. Do you believe in love - of course

33. Do you believe in soul mates - absolutely--can we say hopeless romantic still?

34. Do you believe in love at first sight - I'm not too sure...

35. Do you believe in Heaven - yes

36. Do you believe in God - for sure

37. What do you want done with your body when you die - I never thought about this before...I'll get back to you.

38. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? Oooh--OOOH! Can I have a pet Stitch? Please? Pretty please?

39. What is the latest you've ever stayed up - I've done all-nighters. It's such a proud college tradition.

40. Can you eat with chopsticks - damn right!

41. What's your favorite coin - people, listen: quarters are GOLD. Gimme one and I'll be happy for hours.

42. What are some of your favorite candies - crispy M&Ms, anything chocolate

43. What's something that you wish people would understand? to just be accepting no matter your color, creed, size, sexual preference. Why are people still so freakin' closed-minded? Gaah!

44. What's something you wish you could understand better - why people voted Bush back in and why they voted to not let homosexuals get married. Dumb fucks. I'm moving to England.

45. Who is someone that you really wish was still around - Ummm...people come and go in our lives for a reason. I'll leave it at that.

Ciao, dahling!


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