Bitch! [ April 16, 2004, 7:39 pm ]

I enjoy how having a Saturday night shift can morph a usually happy socialite into a grumpy pariah. I will be sooo very happy when this semester's over--then my Saturday nights are mine! All MIIINE! (Again. Yay. Happiness.)

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore Lizzie McGuire? I've been watching it since my freshman year here and still it makes me happy. I am Lizzie. And I really would love a brother like Matt because then I'd look like a complete angel. I won't even go into the "my friends are all either a Gordo, Miranda or Ethan" spiel. It's sad, but I have actually categorized my friends into those categories. This? Is a sign that I have too much free time on my hands.

I went to my last APs-Unite meeting today. They're really not called that, but they turn into bitch sessions every single time. We get each other. We're in a unique position--we truly are the only ones that get what we do. But every time we have one, I get this uneasy feeling. I end up feeling like crud because I feel so undeserving compared to the other APs--they such overachievers. I mean, I am too, but not to the extent they are. I feel like I shouldn't even be in the position I am sometimes when the others are talking. Usually, though, I just think of how much I've done for Hunt and how much I love my staff and that makes me feel better.

Not the case today though because I'm still sick. Suuuck. And I'm PMS-y, which makes me uber-impatient. And it didn't help that we were talking about the same thing we've beaten into the ground already ten. million. TIMES. Grr. Sense my excitement.

Oh well. It's over.

I discovered that I'm addicted to MTV today. Between the Real World,The Inferno, and Made I'm set with programming. Plus they've been actually *gasp* playing videos lately. Amazing. That makes me one happy girl. I had MTV on all day for background noise.

Ok, I'm so babbling. I need a nap. Stupid f-ing cold.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Disney Channel

Crush du Jour: Dane Cook

Happy Thought of the Moment: South Park, Disney programming, staff potluck, yummy coughdrops, taco dip, fuzzy blankets, video games, brain drains, Frosty Treats, cute outfits, lookin' cute at the banquet, seeing all my friends in one place (such a rarity), SLFP graduation next week, good meetings, venting/bitching outlets, "date" for Mike Super, cute shoes, sleeping in, no more take-home exams, good workshops, cute cards, MTV, summer plans

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