Sick=Sucky [ May 21, 2002, 2:14 pm ]

I just wrote an entry and it got erased. goes again.

I am sick. Not just PMS-y, cold sick. But flu sick. I'll spare you the d's. Let's just say that I will never eat Subway subs again. EVER.

I really really hate being sick. I would seriously give anything right now to feel well again. I feel 100 times better than I did last night, but still...I'm not 100%. Which completely and utterly sucks.

I am desperate for food. I WANT FOOD DAMMIT. All I can eat are Saltines and flat Sierra Mist. Wheee. And mom's baking my favorite bars with M&M's and marshmallows and chocolate and coconut. Mmmmm...this gotta be some kind of massive conspiracy against me. Great great great OOOOHHHH--I can smell the bars. Mmmm--they smell sooo good. This is most definitely not fair.

At least I just get to lounge around all day. Yay! I'm thinking bubble baths, and movies featuring hot guys. Sounds like a fabulous plan to me! :)

I'm gonna go and eat more Saltines. Wheee. Actually I'll make a small happy list to lift my spirits.

What's making me happy right now: the sun, the warm breezes floating in through the windows, my Everclear concert t-shirt from freshman year, my drag queen pix, bubble baths, Bella my dog, Incubus' "Morning View," Ewan McGregor (I'm gonna watch Moulin Rouge soon), and Febreeze.

Ciao, dahling!


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