Random (Semi) Rantings [ January 28, 2003, 11:41 am ]


That pretty much sums up the way I'm feeling right now. Yeh.

PMS sucks. I hate it. The first night my body goes all out of whack and I cramp like nobody's business and get all dehydrated. And I have the weirdest dreams, too. Last night was no exception. I don't remember a lot of what happened, but there was a big daisy field in one dream and lots of arguing over instant messenger in another one.

The latter one may have drawn from real experiences last night though too. So I wasn't exactly arguing on AIM last night, but Todd and I were in some sort of interesting conversation. I swear to GOD this boy cannot talk to me without disagreeing about what I like. And I now realize that this is how he is. I'm Miss Pop Culture (and quite proud of it, thankyouverymuch!) and he's anti-anything popular. That's just the way we are. I was just getting highly frustrated and aggravated with him. He came over and watched Joe Millionaire with Christy and me last night--the boy couldn't go two minutes without groaning or complaining about the show. He just disagrees with me about EVERYTHING.

And usually it's fine, I'm fine with people's different opinions--hell, that's how Melissa and I became such great friends. But when that's all you do is put down what I like, there's only so much I can take. It makes me feel like I have to censor myself or not state my opinion. And I don't like the feeling of not being able to talk or say what I'm thinking. I'm not a floormat and I will NEVER be one.

So that's what Todd and I were talking about last night online. It was quite interesting. Poor him--it must be quite exhausting trying so hard to not like anything pop culture or slightly over-exposed. Whatever. I like what I like. That's all I'm saying.

On the bright side, I did give him a bloody nose. Hehehe! K, so I totally didn't mean to, but that didn't stop it from being completely hilarious (at least in my opinion). I'm sorry hon, I really am. But it was really funny. *grin*

AND THEN--GAAAAAHHHHH!!! I love my sister, don't get me wrong, but she is being a huge pain in my butt right now. She just broke up with her boyfriend--SHE broke up with him. Which is fine, she's fine with it, she felt she needed to do it. (I personally think she's crazy because they make each other sooo happy that it's sickening for anybody to be around them, but it wasn't my relationship, so whatever.) But she won't talk to me about it. She's all "my friends are helping me." And what am I? Thanks a LOT. Grr. That totally pissed me off. And then she reveals that she will NOT be coming down on Valentine's weekend. Although, that's more Mom's doing than hers. But it still sucks because I was really looking forward to her coming down. I wanted to take her to a hockey game and the UP 200 and Jamie Kennedy and a bunch of good stuff. It would have been a blast. Ugh. Perhaps I can talk my mom into letting her come down. Hmmm....

Heh heh

So I'm procrastinating hard-core right now. I should really be writing up a review of this short story for Creative Writing, but I really didn't like the story, so I'm holding off. Gaah. I know this will bite me in the ass later on today, but oh well. I do'nt even feel like going to class. I just want to lounge.

Not like I haven't been doing that a lot lately. I feel like the laziest S.O.B ever. I WILL get my ass in gear, I promise. Note to all my friends: give me a kick in the ass--that'll get me going, I guarantee it!

Aight, I'm gonna go. Maybe I'll do my homework! Ooh! Nah--I need to dry my hair so I don't look like mullet-lady or something.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "I Move On" from Chicago--still my theme song! Hehe

Crush du Jour: *blush* Who do ya think?

Happy Thought of the Moment: Joe Millionaire, Battle of the Sexes, American Idol on tonight, SNL half-time show (got it on tape, baby!), fun mixes, hilarious .wav files, Domino's Dots, icy cold water, creative writing class, not failing my CiS quiz last week, cute outfits, long hot showers, Midol, fun convos with Em, gushing about Chicago, procrastinating, Chicago, Joe (he makes me sooo happy--that man has no idea!), "Cell Block Tango", quality time with my friends, NAE tomorrow, hair goo, funky (not bad)dreams, silly magazine articles, good horoscopes

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