KiKi's MidNight Chateau!! [ January 29, 2003, 12:07 am ]

It is sooo warm fuzzies tonight. Ehehehe!


If you have no idea what warm fuzzies are, then you are truly missing out.

Basically, it's just that incredible feeling you get inside that warms you up and makes you feel unstoppable, like you can't stop smiling, like you could fly for a shining moment.

It's just amazing.

Yeah yeah--it's cheesy. But it's such a great feeling! I'm chatting with Melissa (you get mentioned again, hon--twice in a day--faaabulous!!!) and we just get each other. She's just such a great friend. We respect and understand each other and still love each other despite how nerdy or dorky we are. Hehe. She always knows how to make me smile. Love you lots hon!

And then I was looking at the comment that asterlaine (read her diary, she rocks) wrote about me. It's something to the extent of "she's confident and she shines." Wooooow.

My jaw nearly dropped. That is seriously one of the nicest things that anyone's ever said about me. Especially since this girl has never met me. That one little sentence has completely made my week. You have no idea.

I thrive on compliments. I adore being loved. Hehe. At least I'm grateful and appreciative.....right??

I am such a diva sometimes.

K, so I'm gonna complain for a couple seconds:

Complaint #1: I STILL don't know anything about the sitch. Which I do'nt really know if I should be complaining. This is probably a good thing. At least I would hope so. I hope I hope I hope...

Complaint #2: Chicago isn't being released until February 7th. What happened to January 24th? Huh huh huh? This really isn't so much of a complaint either since I got to see the sneak preview this past weekend. But it was sooo completely fabulous that I wish I could just go see it again whenever I wanted. But, alas, I cannot. At least I have the soundtrack to tide me over! *grin* (Em thinks I'm gonna get really sick of it though, by the time the 7th rolls around., cuz I've been listening to the Broadway soundtrack non-stop for 5 years, and I am still in love with it. So neh, Em!)

Complaint #3: Katy's not coming down for Valentine's Weekend. Waaah! I was sooo looking forward to that, and now she can't come. Granted, I haven't tried to talk to Mom about it yet, but it still depresses me. Cuz I know we were both looking forward to it. Besides, if anyone needs a break from her surroundings it would be Katy. Poor girl. (FYI: hon, I'm not mad at you by any means. Monday on messenger, I was just moody and PMS-y. That's all. No worries, I still love you like none other!)

Damn, why am I so freakin' cheery? I feel happier than usual. Hmm. Maybe it's this mix I'm listening to. It's just a happy little mix. Right now "Let Me Be the One" by Blessed Union of Souls is playing. I love this song. I want someone to sing this to me someday. Mmmmm

Good things about tonight:

~Hall government was short. It was amazing. It was quite efficient. And everyone had a chance to speak their mind about the campus issues, so all were happy about that. And I even got back in time to watch half of The Osbournes. Amazing!!

~Homework is done! Is this some sort of parallel universe? Cuz I'm Miss Procrastinator and my CIS stuff was done before 10--hell, most of it was done by yesterday. And I've brainstormed ideas for my Creative Writing assignment. AND I FINALLY figured out my office hours. And designed a Dean's List thingy for my residents. And determined that I'll do a round tomorrow to re-connect with my fabby residents.

This has to be some sort of parallel universe. I'm being driven and accomplishing stuff. (And I'm PMS-ing and still happy as a clam. Huh...explain that.)

~My lil' crush. Ummm....yeah. Not much to really say there except I'm happy. There's been a lot of conversations lately, which makes me eternally blissful. So yeah. No complaints there. Hehe

~It's no longer the Arctic Zone outside!!! It got up to like 20 degrees today. I seriously considered running around with just a sweatshirt on. K, so I did run outside in just flip-flops, so I am kinda hardcore crazy. Hehe. But it was so nice compared to the 10 below zero weather we'd had last week. Ugh

~I got to see Stitch a bit tonight. Yay!! Happiness. *grin*

~Quality time with Em. She felt it to be urgent that I saw the latest episode of Alias so she brought over the tape and basically forced me to watch it. Umm..thanks, hon. I now have a new addiction. Like I cannot NOT watch it now. If you've seen the episode (the one after the Super Bowl) then you know what I mean. This episode like changes the entire landscape of the show. I liked the show before, but I didn't consider it vital to my existance. Now I have to watch to see how stuff unfolds and what happens to Sidney and her "best friend." OH GOD. *goose bumps* Like I need another tv show to be addicted to. :p

Ahaha. Mel keeps sending me Tori songs. This is awesome! We're on the third song of the night. We're having a song exchange of sorts. Except I can't think of anything to send her except "I Move On" (my new theme--the one I keep raving about) so she just keeps sending the Tori goodness my way. Not that I'm complaining!

My prediction for Melissa: you'll churn out modern classics that won't be fully appreciated until 50 years down the road when college students and scholars alike rediscover your works and realize how genius and ahead of your time you were! (I just told her this in conversation. Seriously, she is so creative. I can totally see this happening for her.)

Hahahaha! I just got a drunken phone call. "Is this an escort service?" Yeah--KiKi's MidNight Chateau: Here to serve you and your booty calls. ;)

Ahh. I should go to bed. Although I really don't want to. But sleep is a good thing. So yeah. Maybe that's why I'm so giddy--lack of sleep. Or Domino's pizza. Or fun AIM convos. Who knows. But I need sleep.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "All the Things She Said" by T.A.T.U. and "LoveSong" by Tori Amos (recommended by the fabu Mel)

Crush du Jour: Who do you think?!?

Happy Thought of the Moment: compliments, cute comments from certain guys, quality time with my bestest friend (that would be Em...), Domino's, a clean room, being lazy, reading Cosmo, Midol, Tori songs, NAE tomorrow, song transfer night, drunken calls from random people (they crack me up way too much), channeling my creativity, American Idol, getting homework done, getting a shitload accomplished, old school songs, this new mix (lotsa old school high school songs), naps, cold water, cute hair, my cowl-necked black sweater (I gots it back from Katie--guess what I'm wearin' tomorrow???), warm fuzzies, being hyper, Alias, hilarious commercials, Jimmy Fallon, Tobey Maguire, MTV

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