Don't Give Me No Attitude [ October 11, 2003, 1:10 am ]


It's amazing how I can be so happy, so giddy, so excited, and then in a matter of moments someone can just smash them with a queen-y attitude.


I think you all know who we're talking about.

99.99999% of the time I love Joe, I really do. But then he goes and does some shit like he did tonight and I can't help but be mad at him.

And he didn't think I was capable of that. Mwahahahahahaaaa! I laugh at his insulence.

I'm sorry, but you can't just ask to join a happy-happy-fun time the night before big plans and then spit on them and grind them into the ground with your designer shoes minutes before the plans are to commence. It just doesn't work that way.

Yes, I know this may be hard for a gay man to hear--that the world doesn't revolve around him.


And if he EVER gives me that damn diva attitude again, I'll give him a reason to have surgery, because he won't have balls. Half the battle will already be fought for him.


(Random sidenote: I think I do my best writing when I'm feisty and/or pissed off. Maybe I shouldn't be so friggen' happy all the time. Hmm...)

So yeah. Erin and I had fun without him. I was DD-ing. I'm quite proud of the fact that I had a good time sober, because for a little while I was afraid that I was becoming dependent on alcohol to have fun. I'm quite content now knowing this. Lala. I got Erin a Long Island. If I wasn't going to get buzzed, she sure as hell was. And she did. That was entertaining in itself.

Add to the mix a really good band (that sooo wasn't getting the credit they deserved tonight) and a mulleted man who really couldn't dance and you have a good night. The only thing that could've been better is if the Shammy would've been pumpin' music so I could've danced the night away--I'd probably be there right now grinding away, instead of in my room, typing away while wearing my favorite Spartan Spirit SNL shirt. Haha.

I was really disappointed that the Shammy wasn't playing music. It's the weekend, it's practically law to play music and have a d.j. Grr. I just wanted to dance with my infamous grinder guy (from last weekend). Cuz, damn, he was a fucking good dancer. And I knew he was gonna be there cuz I saw him at the mall and he asked if I was going to be there, because he'd be there if I was. Waaah! I just wanted to dance. Is that too much to ask? I guess the cosmos are against me. Boo.

I WILL dance with him again, though. I'll make damn sure of it. (Actually, I'm surprised he recognized me, cuz really I didn't get that good of a look at his face. Not that I'm complaining, I'm impressed he remembered. Lalala. I made an impression. Woohoo!)

Other than those mere details in my world, life is goooood. Promotional stuff is falling into place, which makes me SO happy. I'm promotional chair for the upcoming 311 concert. It's a lot more work than I thought. A lot of it is negotiating and appeasing and being really diplomatic and flexible. This is definitely good experience for the real world. Yay! I'm really happy about that. The posters came in yesterday--they look GOOD. And we have our welcoming station and radio ads and all that stuff. And cable ads. Now we can work on smaller details. I'm pumped. Very pumped. And very pleased that the major stuff is done. I'm happy I was able to focus on it.


And I'm reconnecting with friends, specifically Christy. I think we were fighting last week...she was pissed at me, to say the least. I didn't mean to hurt her, honestly. But luckily we've reconnected. I'm not about to lose her as a friend. We've been through a lot and I really value her friendship. I'm also supposed to do something with Sierra this weekend. I seriously wish she was on campus so I'd see her more. She's another fabulous one.

Come to think of it...I have a lot of fabulous friends. They're all fabulous in their own ways. Yes, even Joe. Because even though I'm pissed at him (and I really hope he realizes that I am) I still love him. Let's just see what happens....

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the Shine cd by Bond--hella good, I highly recommend it!

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: seeing my mommy, yummy chicken strips, hugs, pumpkins, treating people to stuff (gives me warm fuzzies), not being broke, Kohl's sales, cute jewelry, hella cute sweaters, pink slips in the mailbox, new BMG cds, good bands, hot dogs, big suckers, cute photo ops, diva sunglasses, shopping, sparkly lipstick, guys wearing sweaters (you just want to cuddle with them), unexpected compliments, this Bond cd, seeing Pete, Haagen-Daaz sorbet, good lotion, Taco Bell runs, fabulous boss, cuuuute shoes, reconnecting with friends

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