Reminiscing....... [ May 02, 2002, 2:01 am ]

Wow. This is really really sad. A lot of people have started to leave the Northern campus for the year. Unbelievable. This year really has been the most fantastic year of my life. I've learned a lot, and had a whole lot of fun. I just don't know. I'm not ready to say goodbye to it yet. It's gone by really fast. Let's relive some of the highlights shall we?

~Welcoming Committee: the beginning of the chaos. It was so much fun just meeting everybody and running all around acting crazy for that whole weekend. Then the rally. Holy shit. I have never screamed so much in my whole life. Unbelievable. I went to my first day of classes with the scratchiest throat. Ugh. It was well worth it.

~E-Board and Hall Government: there's just too many memories here. PEIF nights, the ice cream social, Pajama Jam, the Thanksgiving Feast, $5 Prom where we hoed it out, the meetings, the bantering, the friendship, the fun. (Don't believe me? )

~The Tibetan Monks: AMAZING. It just gave me a real sense of peace and being. It was a wonderful experience. I'm so glad that NAE brought them here.

~Halloween: The BEST Halloween of my life. I was Zorrita (look at that entry if you're confused--it's in the archives somewhere and it's entitled Zorrita). Christy was Super Pickles--some superhero she made up where she ran around in gym shorts, a ratty tshirt, goggles and a towel. Megan was a princess, Dinkle was a wench, Lori-Dude was Erin Brokovich, although she wasn't too fond of her cleavage. It was a lot of fun with the all-hall dance and friends everywhere. Fantabulous.

~The Drag Show: You know it's an interesting year when you meet monks and figure out zen, then 2 months later you meet drag queens and figure out true self-confidence. It was sooo much fun. And definitely something the UP doesn't see too often.

~The Sugar Ray Concert: this could most definitely be considered the epitome of my year. I love them so much. We worked so hard on this show. The day of the concert I didn't even sit until the band was on. I got a real sense of what goes on in the entertainment/music/special events arena. A whole shitload of work. But more importantly I got to meet one of my crushes. ::giggle:: AND get a picture with him. ::sigh:: The best part? I was the only one to get one too. Hehehehe--they weren't really supposed to take any pix, but Mark made an exception for me...cuz I'm so cute! (Just kidding--it was probably cuz I looked like I had worked my ass off the entire day.) It was such a great concert. (I know I know...I've talked about it before, but it's the U.P. and nothing big ever happens here, especially for me since I've lived here all my life!!!)

~Burger Bash: The keystone event for VA. Two words: chocolate pudding. Yessss. Buckets of fun. Plus there was karaoke. Yes yes--Baby Got Back was performed. As well as some Britney Spears by Bobalicious and me. heh heh

~Psych Lab: 2 reasons it was fun--Em and Jamey. If it wasn't for these two I would've gouged my eyes out with my mechanical pencil. It was so much fun to comment with Em about how dumb the labs were, and shout to Jamey from across the room about Aspen and our results. =)

~PR classes: So NASCAR class was lame, but the people in the classes are so kick ass. It's like a little built-in support group. Very nice. The people make the classes enjoyable. ;)

~My speech in Argumentation: I HATED, LOATHED argumentation with a passion but I had to take it for "critical thinking skills." Ummm...yeah. I had to give a speech at the end of the semester on homosexual marriage. I decided to argue against it cuz I like being controversial sometimes and stir the pot. Turns out the prof (Chimo-BITCH) loves the topic and feels quite strongly about it. Lucky me. So I'm doing my speech at the end of the semester, and he interrupts me. "Krissy, I'm sorry, but you need to start over." People (theatre people--grrrr. I am NOT impressed with any of them EVER.) were being loud next door. So he had to go and yell at them. The silence lasted about 3 seconds before they started back up. So I asked if I could go and talk to them. Of course. So I marched over there--to the shock of my classmates--and said "are you the ones making the noise? Um yeah, I'm giving a speech next door, and I'm kinda nervous and you're not helping it any. So if you could just shut up that'd be great. Thanks...have a good day." (That's exactly what I said too--no shitting.) Then I went back to my classroom and delivered my speech a second time. I'm still getting compliments from former classmates today. Kinda makes my day. =) One of my better moments, I think. And Chimo-Bitch was quite impressed. Hehe--GO ME!

~My Improv Performance: This one is more for my girls. We were at an improv show with this group "Mission Improvable." And they needed a volunteer. And me being the dork I am volunteered cuz I like to make a complete idiot of myself in front of large crowds. (I think laughing at yourself is a key to a happy and fulfilling life actually. This is one way for me to achieve zen.) Oh--and Sex God is in the front well as my RD and a bunch of friends and co-workers and such. So me and this other girl go onstage. We get to play this game called slides where one guy is showing the audience slides from his vacation and the other people--me included--are the pictures. We're frozen in a position while he makes up a story. So the second pose I end up in is on my knees. I wasn't thinking too clearly. I grab this guys belt from behind and I'm kneeling in front of him. The sad part is that I didn't think it was a bad position until the entire audience burst out laughing at the same time. Ummm...yeah, a slightly compromising position if you ask me. Even the improv players couldn't keep from laughing. :p All I could do was laugh. I just looked at the floor the whole time. I still think it's kinda funny. Another shining Krissy moment for ya. And there's a picture too. There's a scenario for you--me explaining that shot to my mom: "see I'm grabbing his BELT, not his butt. And I really didn't think it was that bad of a position. I didn't realize his groin was a mere 2 inches away, really....really!" Yeahhhhh....

~Friends: just in general. There's way too many situations for me to try to describe. Lots of memories, lots of laughs. Thanks to all who've made it such a great year--you know who you are. I LOVE YOU!!!

That was my little yearbook moment for ya. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm slightly vaklempt over here right now. It's all good. All good things must come to an end. year's going to kick ass even more!! HELL YEAH!!!!! I'm going to sleep now. My exhaustion immobilizes me. Ciao, dahling!


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