randomisity [ September 15, 2004, 1:03 pm ]

Randomness reigns:

- Dude, Brigitte's boobs are SO. FAKE. I'm watching the Surreal Life and her boobs could double as a flotation device. Gaah. But the puppy is so adorable.

- I have the biggest cinnamon roll EVER in my possession right now. And it's so damn good. Apparently Mom came down yesterday to get some car repairs done. She gave me a care package that had a Hilltop sweet roll in it. MMM! I am one happy girl.

- I likey the new layout. Silly is good. And what boy didn't eat paste in elementary school? (Does anyone know what happened to beautify or frozen-kiss? they're gone! It made finding a new layout not fun at all.)

- I'm sick. I totally got sucker-punched by a cold. So not impressed. I think it's going away. But still. I hate being sick. Grr.

I feel so unmotivated right now. Not that I have a whole lot to do, but still. I should do laundry. Suck. And I need to clean. Double suck. All I really want to do is curl up on my couch and watch dumb tv all day.

Now that sounds like heaven.

Ciao, dahling!


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