Rainy Survey Ramblings [ July 20, 2003, 9:12 pm ]

Lala--I haven't posted in a couple days. I'm sure when I'm bored at work tomorrow I'll fill you in on the details of my (ohsovery exciting) weekend. Untill then, here's yet another survey.


*Full name: Kristine Elizabeth

*Nicknames: Krissy, KiKi, Krispy K, Zazu, GoddessKiKi

*Birthdate: July 28, 1982--that's right--I'm almost 21!!!!!!!!!

*Zodiac sign: Leo--rawr!

*Height: 5'4"

*Eye color: Grayish Blue (the poetic part of me says it's "stormy blue")

*Hair color: red

*Righty or lefty: righty

*Pets: a cute little blue beta named Hebert J


*Number: 3 or 7

*TV station: Disney or Comedy Central

*Person to talk to online?: Ummmm...Pookie cuz she's the person I talk to the least cuz she's back home

*Food: Chinese, mom's taco salad, spaghetti, chocolate, cheesecake

*Drink: ice water, cold Pepsi, chocolate milk, Strawberry Crush

*Alcoholic drink: can't say that I have one...but that'll probably change in about a week! Hehehe!

*Flower: chrysanthemums--a childhood favorite that's scent always brings back warm memories. And you can't go wrong with roses of any color either! ;)

*Word/Phrase: FABULOUS!!!!!

*Smell/Scent: guy's cologne, fresh cut grass, the air after a thunderstorm, freshly done laundry

*Actor: Alan Cumming, Ewan McGregor, Orlando Bloom

*Actress: Drew Barrymore, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Britany Murphy

*Hangout: anywhere my friends are, but I'm quite partial to HotPlate and my boss's apartment

*Summer vacation: Hawaii--mmmmmm

Love life

*First crush: Luke in kindergarten--he was so cute and he drew his people without necks. We used to chase each other around the playground.

*Single or attached?: single

*Ever been in love?: no, I just have slightly obsessively giddy crushes

*Do you believe in love at first sight?: I think it's more of an attraction, a spark. The love comes after you get to know one another.

*Do you believe in "the one?": Oh yes

*Describe your ideal significant other: he has to make me laugh and he has to understand me. he has to have his own opinions and hold his own in an argument against me. bonus if he has dark hair, dark eyes and an irresistable smile.

Juicy stuff

*Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: Ummm...not to my recollection

*Have you ever been intoxicated?: I've drank but not to the point of being blitzed

*Favorite place to be kissed?: on my body or location? ;)

*Have you ever been caught "doing something?": I'm thinking no.

*Are you a tease?: haaa--I don't think so.

Are you a...

*Wuss: I scream whenever I get hurt, but I won't take crap from noone and I'll always scream out my opinion.

*Druggy: haaa--yeah right. I've never had anything more than caffeine or nicotine.

*Daydreamer: oh yeah.

*Freak: aren't we all?

*Dork: yes--oh yes. I embrace my dorkiness.

*Bitch/Asshole: I'm only a bitch when I need to be.

*Brat: probably when I was younger

*Sarcastic: yup, but usually people don't get that I am. Meh.

*Goody-goody: I hope not

*Angel: nope

*Devil: hahaha--nope

*Shy: not usually

*talkative: oooh yes

*Adventurous: I'll try anything at least once.

*Joker: nope

*Flirty: I'd like to think I was, but usually I say the wrong thing and gape and blush and run away.

Future side

*Occupation: currently, student, but hopefully I'll work for a good PR firm or music company or magazine office once I'm outta here. Oohh--or working on a cruise would be fun too!

Random questions that are just good to ask

*Last person you talked to on the phone: Emily

*Last song you listened to: "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne--grr! I think my ears will bleed if I hear this song ONCE MORE

*Last thing you ate: a BLT on toasted white bread. Mmmm.

*What's the weather like?: inky dark clouds as the sun sets--the promise of a thunderstorm hangs on the evening breeze (woohoo! I'm poetic!)

*What's right next to you?: my beloved celly and a sprawled out Emily (we're watching a chick flick on tv)

*How do you eat an Oreo?: dunk half of it in milk and take a biiiig bite

*Contacts or glasses?: depends on my mood. I'm liking my glasses more and more....

Do you like to

*dance?: I'm a dancing FREAK! I adore dancing!!!

*Shy to make the first move?: haaa--I NEVER make the first move


*What are you wearing right now?: my floral embossed jeand and blue baseball jersey with hoopy earrings

*current mood: satisfied. it was a good weekend and I had nummy food. I'm actually craving another sandwich. Hmmmm....

*current music: "Lucky 7" on ABC-Family--it's not music, but it's my backround noise

*Current hair: spiky and all over the place--as usual

*current dress: wha? didn't I say what I was wearing already??

*current annoyance: the stupid weather warning screen that keeps popping up at crucial times in my movie. Gaah! Stupid weather service!!!

*Current smell: bacon from the BLTs

*current game: route for the girl--we want her to end up with Bagel Boy

*current thing: reading--I've been tearing through books lately. That and cooking. I'm becoming quite the campus Martha Stewart. Hehe

*current windows open: AIM buddy list, AIM away message, this window, IMDB window and convo with Katy on MSN

*current desktop picture: Drew Barrymore--or Orlando Bloom--I change my desktop a lot. I do'nt remember what it really is at the moment.

*current book: "The Tao of Pooh" and "Knocked out by my Nunga-Nungas: the even further confessions of Georgia Nicholson" and I'm hoping to start "Coffee and Kung-Fu" soon

*Current color of toenails: sparkly cherry red

*current crush: Orlando Bloom and Alan Cumming

*current favorite celeb: Drew Barrymore

*current hate: the STUPID weather warning screens that have continuously interrupted the chick flick!!!

..today have I..

*Smiled?: when DON'T I smile?

*Laughed?: more than I can even remember

*Cried?: almost--at the sappy Applebees commercial

*Bought something?: groceries

*Danced?: Yeah

*Were sarcastic? ummm...I really don't think so.

*Talked to an ex?: nope--don't have any!

*Watched your favorite movie?: No, but I've been wanting to watch Lilo and Stitch for a while now...

..do I..

*Smoke?: nope

*Do drugs?: nope

*Have sex?: nope

*Sleep with stuffed animals? not at the moment

*Live in the moment?: I very much try to. It's my life philosophy

*Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope

*Play an instrument?: clarinet and drums

*Believe there is life on other planets?: yeah, I don't want to get all philosophical like at the moment though.

*Read the newspaper?: no, but I really really should

*Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Umm...am I not the fruit fly of NMU? That, of course means that I have many gay friends. Faaabulous!

*Believe in miracles?:Yes--I've witnessed a few, actually

*Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I'd like to think so. I gotta keep the hope alive.

*Believe in astrology?: Only when my horoscope says that something good's gonna happen!

*Believe in magic? Not really...

*Believe in god?: Yes, definitely

*Go to church?: not on a regular basis *blush*

*Do well in school?: Yes yes

*Go to or plan to go to college?: I'm at NMU, thankyouverymuch

*Wear hats?: I like hats, but with my short hair barely any look good on me. That's the price I pay for looking fabulous

*Have any piercings?: my ears and my happy little nose stud. Lala

*Have any tattoos?: nope

*Hate yourself?: what? I love me! *grin*

*Have an obsession?: not really. but I am highly into movies, books and this online diary thang

*Have a secret crush?: at the moment, no.

*Do they know yet?: how can they if I don't have one??

*Have a best friend?: More than one--Love ya Em! (SULLEY!!) Mwah to Joe! Yay to my boss and Megan and Sierra and Christy!!!

*Wish on stars?: Yes, I like little enchanting superstitions like that.

*Like your handwriting?: I do--when I can decipher it.

*Have any bad habits?: I bite my nails and don't eat until late at night.

*Care about looks?: I do to an extent, but I try to not let it control me.

Aight, I'm off. It's starting to thunderstorm, so I'm gonna revel in it. Mmmm!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Kim Possible and the sounds of rain pattering on the driveway with background rumblings of thunder

Crush du Jour: Alan Cumming

Happy Thought of the Moment: thunderstorms, "so I was watching Celebrity Golf earlier...", chick flicks, grocery shopping with Brett, BLTs, chatting with Pookie, Taco Bell runs, Newsies, sleeping in, Tao of Pooh, Nanny Diaries, reading until really really late, Brandon Leonard show

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