Life is Goood [ July 21, 2003, 11:18 pm ]

I am such a goober. I totally forgot I had completely shut my bathroom door the last time I was in there, so out of habit I just kind of started walking in--only remembering I had shut it when my hip and face were smushed against the fakey wood of the door. My bad.

All I can do sometimes is laugh. And that is exactly what I did--laughed hard for a few seconds.

Lalala--it's good to be me sometimes.

Except for when I'm PMS-ing. Then the whole world can tell because a.) I'm bloaty, b.) I'm a cranky bitch and c.) zits decide to wage war on my usually semi-spotless face. And a war is raging on my face right now. NOT COOL. I have this one massive zit in between my eyebrows. I look like a friggen cyclops. I look like a freak show reject. Gaah.

Thank God for cover-up. Makeup is a gift from the heavens above. haha.

(Random sidenote: I smell Ramen. The boys downstairs must be cookin' again. Now I'm craving something spi-cay. Grr.)

My weekend was....relaxing. You know, I am a total lazy ass. For sure. I sat around doing a whole lot of nothing for a big chunkof the weekend. I did actually get the majority of my checklist done. The only thing I have left to do is, uhhh, laundry.

And let's face it--I'm no domesticated goddess. I loathe laundry. Draggin' my butt down to the basement, checking it, folding, blah blah blaah. It just doesn't inspire me. The only way I will EVER be inspired to wash clothes is if some abdominal god tears off his shirt and begs me to wash it for him.

Well....that or if I'm out of underwear. Which I almost am...I'm down to the grannies, folks. We all know this isn't such a good sign.

I did finish The Nanny Diaries this weekend. Here's my quick review. I loved it, it was well worth the wait. Good writing, strong narration, good description and prose. But the family she worked for PISSED me off. Nan was treated like shit and that made me so mad. Maybe because I know people who treat others like that. Whatever it was, I loathed the family--except the little kid, who is every cute little boy I've ever baby-sat for. I liked Nan's revenge at the end--simple and powerful. Good ending. (I'll shut up now in case people haven't read it and wanted to.)

I also saw How to Deal this weekend. Gotta say: such a good movie. I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting it to be average teen-movie fare. It exceeded and soared above my expectations. It's deep and sentimental and emotional and funny--pretty much like life. I liked that it didn't just focus on Mandy Moore's character, they really relied on a strong ensemble cast to make the plot work. It was really good. I cried a couple of times. It's good. I highly recommend it.

Lalala--73.5 hours till Joe gets to Marquette. I cannot WAIT. He sooo wants to get me blitzed on Sunday night. I have to keep reminding him that I have to WORK at the buttcrack of dawn the next morning. Not cool. I'll get buzzed or something though--it's a rite of passage. You only turn 21 once! ;)

Plans are still up in the air for celebrations on the day of my bday. I'm happy with just a nice dinner with my closest friends. I think that'd be sweeet. Who knows. I'll figure it out as my bday approaches. Only 6 more days and I'm fully legal. Wooohoooo!

Uber-excitement reigns in my world.


I'm gonna go veg and watch cartoons and eat Lucky Charms. Life is gooood.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "The Proud Family"

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: dinner with friends, Conan, free dinner (much love, Monique!!!), scrapbooking, cold cereal, BLTs, fun work with Julia Gulia, "I was watching celebrity golf earlier" and other quotable moments, Stitch pinball, grocery shopping, VH1, new Cosmo, black and white film, glam sunglasses, channeling creativity, Lizzie McGuire, polished toes, new black shirt (on sale from Shopko!), fun pix, sleeping in, Tao of Pooh

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