Quizzes on a Boring Day... [ July 16, 2003, 12:23 pm ]

LOVE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

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Hehehee--What a fabby quiz!

Lala--can ya tell I'm bored at work again?!?

You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly
happy with almost everything you do and would
never cahnge your life.

What Kind of Smile are You?
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What rating is your journal?

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I thought I'd be soooo busy at work today. And I was--for like 2.3 hours. And then.....*kathunk* Boredom hits. Boo. I actually cannot believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather be stuffing a gazillion envelopes than be sitting here bored. Huh.

I'm going to Hell because I like Harry Potter!
You like Harry Potter, you scum. It's the deepest
pit in Hell for you.

Your very
existence is a crime against Nature.

Why Will You Go To Hell?
brought to you by Quizilla

Mwhaahahahaaa--This one is just funny. So, like.....9 million people are gonna go to hell for enjoying some good literature? Hehe--I think the maker of that quiz is slightly biased.

You are one of "The Children of the

Either you are Lorne Micheals or you just have that
reserved table in your heart for one of TV's
greatest shows.

There is nothing new to you when it comes to
Saturday Night Live; you probably know what's
airing in the new season before the new season
ever comes around. Names like Gilda and John
are legendary to you, and each new cast brings
you the type of inexpressable joy you can only
get at Christmas.

I bow to you, oh Saint of Saturday Night.

Are You a Devout Saturday Night Live Fan?
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Now, I knew I knew a lot about SNL, but still. All bow to me, I am the SNL Goddess. hehe. Now if only I could snap Jimmy....

And another one....(hehehehe--just wait till after I read that behind-the-scenes book!)

You're an AVID fan of Studio 8-H (and probably of
Jimmy Fallon...and who could blame you)

What kind of Saturday Night Live Fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

your rachel dratch.. you like thinking you have
this wonderous guy and you call him your
"lovah". you also think your this
girl from boston and you wish ur boyfriend was
jimmy fallon. keep dreamin' hunny, he's mine!

which Saturday Night Live cast member are you most like? (for chicks)
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One word: ZAZUUUUUU!!!

Aight, I gotta jet--I just got a couple of projects. Woohoo! Then...LUNCH! Yay! I've been craving a chef salad for a while. Hmm...Helloooo Den food. *grin*

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Cochise" by AudioSlave

Crush du Jour: Trent Ford

Happy Thought of the Moment: fresh donuts, lots of cold water, waking up, the color pink, fun quizzes, new books to read, motivation to clean my room, beef stew, snackage runs, girly nights, bday in 12 days (woohoooo!), fun online names, 80s music, shoutouts

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